iv had my bike for a couple of months now and it is my first bike. i love the bike but i cant keep my hands clean on a new toy so i have some questions and some issues. i searched around on the site alot before i joined but i still have not found what im looking for so i figure a 1 shot question page is in order.
1: once the bike warms up it idles at around 4k, then i have to adjust it down to 1k. is this a comon problem?
2: when i really get on it there is a spot mid range of the rps where the rpm's spike (example i take off give it gas its normal then at about 6 - 7 k the rpm's take off to 12k)
3: i really hate the flopy dog ear turn signals ... where can i find the smaller one's i see in all of the pictures? or should i just find other short stem ones
i know ill have more questions sence iv never had a bike before and i thank everyone now :)