Author Topic: Newbie needs gsf250 "big bore" advice  (Read 11220 times)

Offline sdlp

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Newbie needs gsf250 "big bore" advice
« on: December 28, 2017, 08:37:36 PM »
Hi All and sorry to bother you with this but I've been trying to work out my big bore options from the FAQs and previous postings and I'm getting a bit lost. I have a year 2000 gsf250 - what if any are my big bore options? Is there any way to take it out to a 400 with the internals from that engine? Any and all advice gratefully received

Thanks in advance


Offline ventYl

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Re: Newbie needs gsf250 "big bore" advice
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2018, 02:13:50 PM »
I don't believe you will be able to use anything of 400cc big bore kits/stuff. Difference in displacement is simply too large. I am also quite unsure about availability of 250cc big bore pars as GSX-R250 are far more scarce than GSX-R400 for which big bore kits were IMHO originaly designed.
Bandit 400 1991 - stock except of swap from GK75B to GK75A