to the 400 forum at Bandit Alley!!
I think we have a terrific forum. There's tons of info and a bunch of really great folks that hang out here.
Feel free to look around. In fact, I recommend that if you have a particular question, check out the
400 FAQ forum. We've tried to stash some of the better threads dealing with some of the more common questions there. Also, the
search function on this board works very well. Just type in a key word or two like "seat cowl," "160 tire," or (hold on to your hat, Theif400!!!) "carbs" and select "Bandit 400" for the forum. You very well may find the particular answer you're looking for or at least get a starting point. That way you get your answer pretty much immediately and the regulars here don't have to run through the basic list of things to check if you post that you're bike won't start and you don't know where to begin looking.
If you don't find exactly what you're looking for,
feel free to post away!. Ultimately, that's what this forum is here for.
Again, welcome! Come back often!