I bet Luis Chevrolet is rolling over in his grave with the Suzuki banner on the Chevy truck!
Why? GM owns a portion of Suzuki anyway (10%, IIRC) - and Louis lost control of his name's use on cars very early in the history of the company.
Louis Chevrolet sold his portion of The Chevrolet Motor Company, created in 1911, to co-founder W.C. Durant when they had some differences in 1913. Louis Chevrolet believed his name belonged on high priced cars, but Durant wanted it on a car to undersell Fords. Louis, being a racer, then started the Frontenac Motor Company, building high performace parts for Fords. Lacking a decent system for production, that went by the wayside in 1917 and he was hired as a VP of American Motors, but he didn't last long there either. He tried getting a few other car brands going, including reviving the Frontenac name, but they were all unsuccessful. In 1929, Louis & brother Gaston Chevrolet left the car business and started the Chevrolet Brothers Aircraft Company - which they ended up losing to Glenn Martin. In 1934, out of guilt, charity and/or a feeling of moral obligation, GM hired Louis as a lowly assembly line worker in the company that bore his name. He retired four years later due to health issues. He passed away three years later in 1941, at 63, from complications from a leg operation, then amputation, from which he never recovered.