Grr,.. one thing after another with Dita this spring. Got the new Gear shift Link rod in, now she's doing other things.
I got a set of straighter bars ( meaning,.. that I hadn't bent by dropping her.

) and put them on. The bars have a lower rise than the original ones, and are the same length.
According to the wiring diagrams in the service manual, we've routed the cables right, but she races if you turn the bars to the right lock.
Taking everything apart, and routing cables the wrong way ( I know, I know.

) in order to troubleshoot, we notice a few things:
1. Until the cable gets to the fork area, there's no problem with binding.
2. Tank on or off, the engine still races if you route it the way the book says, or any other way.
3. Bar position (rolled forward, rolled back) makes little to no difference
4. You can actually watch the throttle get pulled at the carb end, when you move the bars to the right.
5. Certain routings allow her to race the engine no matter the position of the bars.
6. There's ZERO free play. There's no room for adjustment on the carb side or the grip side.
It's as if the cable shrunk overnight. But they're supposed to stretch, no?
The cable is lubed, and moving freely.
We're at a loss to explain this, and getting more and more frustrated by the moment. ( I actually hit her tank and called her a b*tch. My little lady!

Ok,.. it was the end of day 2 at this, and I was tired of watching her put together right, and racing to 8k rpm as soon as we started her, with a not even broken in engine.) Now, neither of us has touched her in 2 days, and both of us have started looking for reasons not to.
I know, deep down that it's something simple, and stupid. Suggestions? Is there adjustment on the carb anywhere that might be doing this? Besides the idle screw, and the nut/bolt combo for the cable itself? The service manual is vague about this area.
I can post pictures this evening if needed.