I've been on and off the bbs for the past few years but keep forgetting my login stuff. Anyway, my 1993 b4 felt the wrath of Katrina. The day before she hit I was doing the usual battin' down the hatches and was expecting to spend an tedious weekend on the road in traffic getting in and out of New Orleans. I have double doors into my apartment, so I was going to roll her up the stairs and park in the house. At the foot of the stairs (not too steep), I got lazy and figured she'd be just as safe in my mother's garage.
My apartment is about 4 feet off the ground. The water got up to about a foot inside the house. So in hindsight, I shoulda huffed her up the steps. My mother's neighborhood got higher flooding and the bike was completely submerged for maybe a week. When I did make it back into town, there were other priorities and there was a lot of funky stuff blocking the bike in, in addition to the layer of slimey gunk on the bike. So she sat where she was.
I haven't been back since then, but the crap has been tossed out of the house. The bike is still in the garage.
I was set to part it / junk it as time allowed, but now, I'm wondering if I might be able to get it back together. My concern is the engine. I'm assuming water got into the block and just sat there and started the rust. Not to mention all the other little bits and bearings in the tranny, head, etc. that have probably started to corrode.
I already have plans for another bike, but I'm wondering if getting the Bandit back on the road is $$$ feasable.