Author Topic: Bandit Gear Indicator  (Read 11495 times)

Offline Red01

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Bandit Gear Indicator
« on: March 11, 2005, 09:24:31 PM »
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 17:35 pm    
Post subject: Bandit Gear Indicator

Hi everyone,

The Bandits R Us list wanted me to document my gear indicator running on my 99 B12 so I've done so. If you want a looksee:

Basically, it shines a count of LEDs for each gear (4 for 4th) and goes out in fifth. For a B6, one more circuit segment will work fine and go out in 6th.
Anyone can do this without transistors by just using diodes but there will be a difference in lighting intensity from LED to LED hence the transistor use and complexity. Of course, anyone who knows basic electronics will think it very simple. Anyone with a soldering iron and mecahnical ability can do it and all parts are sourced from Radio Shack (and 1 from Suzuki).

Good luck!
Marc/Douglasville GA
Bill Teller
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 16:30 pm    
Post subject: Gear indicator

Good idea , but would the indicator strip off a 85 GS550ES work with that switch? it was a predessor of the 600 Bandit & had a 6 gear indicator
that worked real well Strip was about 5/8"x 1 1/2"x 1/8" thick.
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004

Hi Bill,

Unknown but Suzuki is very good at limiting parts proliferation. I'd be willing to bet that the switch is operational on the smaller 550 just as it fits the 600/1200 Bandit and Katanas. You can check the part number with Suzuki parts.
If you can rig the display, no amount of electronics are necessary - that makes it all the easier.

2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS