Author Topic: Comfort-advice  (Read 11889 times)

Offline Red01

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« on: March 11, 2005, 11:57:24 PM »
 Hi there, fellow B12 owners. I just have to tell you all about my new handle bar and how happy I am with it. The thing is: I am used to riding old, Japanese classics (a Water Buffalo among others) with an upright riding position. When I bought my 96 B12 a year ago, I soon found out that my arms didn't like the somewhat forward leaning position (yes I know it's supposed to be upright this one too, but it isn't compared to the oooold zukis...). Not only did I get problems with my elbows, but I also held on to hard in the bar because of it. And when you hold on to hard - with straight arms - the bike feels like a tractor. Right? So now I have swapped the original bar with one that is four inches higher. And what a difference! I'll tell you, the bike feels totally different. Almost like it was a off road bike or something. For me this is great. I can travel greater distances without getting tired. It feels like I'm sitting closer to the ground (it does), and my arms are relaxed. I should mention that I use my B12 for touring. Travel about 10.000 miles per year. The new bar did wonders for the comfort. Even the seat feels more comfy now. PS: The higher bar makes it necessary to change the brake fluid hose to a slightly longer one. But that's the only extra cost, if you do all the work your self.
(5/1/02 3:25 pm)
Re: Comfort-advice

What bar did you use? Brand name/model? I've been thinking about doing something like this when I do S/S brake lines. With a 4" taller bar, did the hose have to be 4" longer, or less?

Paul W

(5/1/02 9:25 pm)
Re: Comfort-advice

Look at the bars on the Triumph Tiger, or maybe the DL 1000, Paul.....
I also saw some bars at www.ricepaddymotorcycles....cials.html
that looked interesting...
INEXPERT advice, freely given!
If I don't know the right answer, I'll make one up!

(5/2/02 12:26 am)
Re: Comfort-advice

Finding bars isn't the problem, just wanted to know a brand/model - or better yet, dimensions like rise, pull back, width, etc. (maybe a 70's era 750-1100 UJM kind of bar???)

Paul W

(5/2/02 2:28 am)
Re: Comfort-advice

Do you have the stock seat?
Did you (like me) slide too far forward?
Do the handlebars help or eliminate that situation?

(5/2/02 5:54 am)
Replies to all the people above

1. The new handle bar is a "fits all bikes" type. I live in Norway, and bought the bar at a shop that sells all kind of accessories. I don't remember the name of the bar.
2. The brake fluid hose have to be four inches longer - as the bar is four inches higher. There is no "slack" at all. The throttle cables, choke cable and clutch fluid hose on the other hand, are long enough if you only move them around a bit. For example from the front of the fork to the back, if you understand what I mean. They also have to be freed from a connection to the frame under the tank. (Just pull them loose).
3. Yes ,I have the stock seat - yes, I did slide forward on it before - and YES, the new handlebar eliminated the problem. I find my self sitting in a completely different way. The seat feels much more comfortable, and I no longer slid.

(5/5/02 1:51 pm)
Re: Comfort-advice

Does anyone know if there is any difference between the GenMar & Holeshot handlebar risers? Wouldn't these have the same comfort effect as replacing the handlebars?

Royston, BC

(5/6/02 2:23 pm)
Re: Comfort-advice

Yes, they would have an effect. If you only want a small change - like about 1 3/8" up (Holeshot) or 1" up and 3/4" back (Genmar), then they'll do the trick - though either one costs more than a set of average handlebars.

Paul W

(5/6/02 6:41 pm)

Thanks for your input on that. I just want a small change maybe, do you suggest any particular handlebar? Maybe something from Flanders? I don't want do go to a lot of trouble changing cables etc.
Thanks again,

(5/6/02 7:59 pm)
Re: Risers

Just about any change in rise and/or pullback will require a new front brake line.  
As for bars, check you local shops. They should let you take a set outside to hold up on your bike. Don't forget to check some of the ATV/MX bars too - some say the cross brace they have is effective in cutting bar buzz.

Paul W

(5/7/02 10:22 am)
One thing to remember:

There is one thing to be aware of when changing to a after market handlebar: The straight ends of the bar has to be long enough. In other words: The bar can not be to curved. The reason for this is that you may get a problem with all the things to put back on - the start/stop switches, mirrors and all that. These things have to be mounted in a level fashion, or you won't get it on right and won't be able to reach the clutch handle. Measure the ends of the original bar and make sure that the new one have the same length. (My new bar has a bit to short ends, so I had to let the rubber (throttle/grip) stick out about an inch on each side. Not pretty. It works, but I plan to lengthen the bar ends with some welding.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS