Author Topic: Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom  (Read 14110 times)

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Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom
« on: March 11, 2005, 09:56:21 PM »
Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom
(from the old board)
Ray Nielsen
(3/10/04 4:16 pm)
Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom.

I just finished putting V-Strom knuckleguards on my 2003 Bandit 1200. The fit was perfect on the clutch side and just a bit of trimming of the plastic guard was necessary on the front brake side.

Here are the part numbers-- I ordered from Ron Ayers at <> and a couple of the parts were back ordered. Still it was only a couple of weeks until I had all the necessary parts.

Here's the Suzuki part numbers and descriptions:

1 ea. #57341-06G00-019 Cover, knuckle, R. (black)

1 ea. #57541-06G00-015 Cover, knuckle, L. (black)

2 ea. #57431-06G00 Bolt, lever (replaces the original pivot bolt)

4 ea. #09160-06130 Washer (6.5mm X 16mm X 1 mm) although it says discontinued Ron Ayers had them in stock.

2 ea. #08319-21068 U Nut (you could use the original, but these are locking nuts -- I put the originals over them as locking jam nuts.)

2 ea. #02142-06107 Screw (Chromed Phillips head)

For a pictorial showing parts relationships see the fiche at Ron Ayers web site under Suzuki -- DL1000 -- 2003, then look at handle lever and knuckleguards on the list of drawings.

I'm running a small National F-15 shield with no hand protection so I hope these will provide some. I can't ride now but will when the weather warms and the snow melts.
Just getting ready!
(3/10/04 6:30 pm)
Re: Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom.

Just wondering...what did the total setup cost?
Ray Nielsen
(3/10/04 9:21 pm)
Re: Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom.

I ordered some items separately but the total on Ron Ayers web site would be about $67.28 plus shipping and handling.

I'd guess that to be about $7.00 if they were ordered together.
(3/10/04 9:27 pm)
Re: Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom.

OK! I wonder if there are some aftermarket sources that will work??? Hmmmmm. Who knows? Maybe the Vstrom guys take them off?
Ray Nielsen
(3/10/04 10:07 pm)
Re: Hand guards for the Bandit from the V-Strom.

I tried a set of aftermarket hand guards made for a dirt bike called Power Maxx. Had to paint them to match the bike's color (surf green metallic) but they still didn't look right. Probably because to mount them I had to move the clutch and front brake master cylinders inboard almost an inch to clear the handguard mounts. The gap was noticeable and the the controls were too close to the center of the handlebars, leaving the end weights way out past the levers.

Took them off and gave them to a friend who might find a use for them on a minimally faired Nighthawk. They were about $55, but well made if garish in appearance before the paint job.

The V-Strom parts look nice, flat black and a very good fit.  
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS