Author Topic: Sticker Removal  (Read 11671 times)

Offline Red01

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Sticker Removal
« on: March 11, 2005, 10:57:00 PM »
sticker removal???
How do you get the stupid warning stickers off???
Are they held on with superglue?!?!?!?!
(3/20/03 9:56 am)
Re: sticker removal???

 Their ease of removal tends to vary a little, with some people reporting easy removal and others likening removal to WWIII, especially if you want to remove the logo stickers on the fairing or tail section. The warning stickers are usually pretty easy though (only the "SUZUKI" lettering on the tank is under clearcoat).

The most successful methods involve warming up the decal(s) with a hair dryer or heat gun and then a little fingernail work to get an edge to start to lift, then peel off. Clean off any adhesive residue with isopropyl alcohol, WD-40, Goop-Off, or other mild solvent.

CAUTION: Any chemical which will assist in removing adhesive residue will also temporarily soften the paint. Don't scratch at the surface -- rub it gently with a soft cloth and let the solvent do its work. Remember to wax the surface afterward.

Paul W

guaio usa
(3/20/03 7:53 pm)

 I used a hair dryer and WD-40 worked great!!!
(3/20/03 8:17 pm)
hairdryer drove me to drinking

 i used the hairdryer and fingernail method and got so pissed i went to autozone and found a product called bumper decal remover and it worked great and lot faster for me lol then i sat back and dranked a cold beer and washed my bike and smiled at her and kissed her and winked and said yes isnt life good lol
(3/21/03 10:35 am)
Re: hairdryer drove me to drinking

 WalMArt and Autozone usually sell inexpensive terry polishing cloths....
I bought a dozen or so of these and use them to wax, polish, and clean the bike and truck. I then wash them, and re-use them. They're basically inexpensive 100% cotton towels.

The hairdryer and wd40 method worked for me. If the sticker is pretty stubborn......soak a cloth with WD40 and lay it over the sticker for a while. You can also use the wd40 dampened ccloth to rub on the spot. I would at least rinse the bike off with a hose before rubbing on the remove any sand or abrasive dirt.

I tried 'goo gone' or something.......but the hair dryer and wd 40 seemed to work better......and cheaper.
(3/21/03 5:06 pm)
Re: hairdryer drove me to drinking

 I'm with the other guys.... Peel it... Wipe advesive off with WD40... It helps to spray it on and let it soak for a couple minutes while isolating the area with a cloth or rag...Multiple applications will produce good results... Wash and wax to get the WD40 chemical off the paint.. Good to GO!!

Ride Safe
(3/28/03 10:14 pm)
Re: hairdryer drove me to drinking

 Goop-Off is Da-Bomb. Just be sure to use enough as it evaporates very quickly. Be sure you get the environmentally unfriendly version though. The "green " type is no better than water.
(4/13/03 5:10 pm)
Re: hairdryer drove me to drinking

 I use a product called Lift-Off. Works great and fast at removing glue.

(4/13/03 7:07 pm)
Bandit Urban Myth

 I swear this is true......

10-15 years ago I was transporting custom cabinets, and furniture.
At one shop, the guy gave me a can of foamy, aerosol 3M product that would remove glue and decals.
It sprayed on kind of foamy, you let it sit a few minutes.. (It would cling) and then wiped the sticker off with a rag.
No scraping......nothing! It virtually dissolved most of the sticker!
Didn't harm the paint on my fine '83 International 9670.
Back then, you had a LOT of annual state fuel tax stickers to put on the truck...and try to remove a year later. This stuff worked great!
Like an idiot. I used the can up.....didn't record the product name or number when I tossed the empty can.
Haven't found it again......

I'm guessing it 'harmed the ozone' or made kentucky polka dotted tree frogs sterile, or something.....and was banned.
It may have been a dream......but I used that can for 2-3 years before it ran out.
(4/14/03 12:41 am)
Re: Bandit Urban Myth

 Yet another unbelievable story...I got the dealer in Toronto to leave a bunch of them off mine PDI. The others must come already stuck on...or maybe the assembly tech had already started putting them on. They came off easily, tho. Used the Goo-be-gone. Just a memory now, tho. Sniff, sniff.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS