Author Topic: '03 1200S alternator output?  (Read 5270 times)

Offline EODSarge

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'03 1200S alternator output?
« on: December 04, 2005, 08:30:35 PM »
Did a search but didn't see it jump out at me... how much excess wattage does an '03 1200S have? As it gets colder, I'm considering heated clothing again. I try to ride at least once a week no matter how cold it is during the winter, but it would be nice not freeze my giblets off while doing it.
Lick it, stick it, and blow it in place!
'03 B12S, unmodded

Offline ray nielsen

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'03 1200S alternator output?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2005, 09:39:18 PM »
My service manual (Suzuki) says it's a 540 Watt alternator.  That translates to about 38 Amps @ 14 Volts (with the motor running).  

There seems to be plenty of reserve.  With my handlebar heaters on "high" (35 Watts)and my electric jacket liner on full heat (70 Watts)my add-on voltmeter shows I'm charging well at just over 1500 RPM.  Adding the brake lights doesn't seem to be a problem either, and I have two auxiliary brake lights on the back of the bike.  

I've never measured the current draw and wattage of each piece of the system, but you can estimate it.  Figure about 60Watts for the high beams, another 16 Watts for the two tail lamp bulbs, add in maybe 120 Watts for the ignition system, a few more watts (maybe 30) for the various relays and you can see you still have a bit of headroom.

Ride warm and enjoy the heat.

Offline ldbandit76

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'03 1200S alternator output?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 10:47:56 AM »
On my first-gen bike, I can run about 190 W worth of extra "stuff" (in addition to stock high beam, etc) before the voltage at the battery starts falling at 2000 RPM.   Since my alternator is rated at 405 W, that means the bike uses up about 210-220 W running its own stuff.  

Since you have about 140 W more than I do, you should be able to run a full heated suit and super-bright lights with no trouble.  Drop a multimeter on the battery with all your farkles turned on if you want to check.  


Offline EODSarge

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'03 1200S alternator output?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 09:25:14 PM »
No, I think I froze my farkles off. :shock:  Thanks for the info; 540 watts should be plenty to run a vest, chaps, and gloves. Really, my hands and tops of my thighs are what get the coldest. And my chin, despite the winter pelt I'm trying to cultivate on it.
Lick it, stick it, and blow it in place!
'03 B12S, unmodded