Author Topic: 1200 air box removal  (Read 10198 times)

Offline jlewis50

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1200 air box removal
« on: October 18, 2006, 02:54:40 PM »
Recently purchased pod air cleaners for my Gen 1 1200 and was wondering if anyone has tips on airbox removal. I went to the pods for appearance issues.
I currently have a Ivans Stge 1 kit in the bike.
I was told you have to pull the carbs to get the airbox removed.
Appreciate any tips.


Offline Ranger

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1200 air box removal
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 10:50:38 PM »
Note to self: Leave no witnesses

Offline deepink

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1200 air box removal
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 11:01:07 PM »

it's the only way to get it out. Sorry for the bad news, I wish I had asked before I had to do mine.
2001 Bandit 1200 - \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Revised\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

Offline Asphalt

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1200 air box removal
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2006, 01:24:49 AM »
Yea, even when you pull your carbs out, its still going to be a pain in the crack to get them out, just use some good elbow greese and determination.  

Ranger is also right, you are going to have to rejet unfortunately.  Might as well do it while you have the carbs out than to put it all back in and realize you are going ot have to rejet... :shock:
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline jlewis50

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battery box after going to pod filters.
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 10:13:10 PM »
I was able to pull the airbox and carbs in about 15 minutes. Went really smooth.
I didn't rejet yet but plan to. It seems to run pretty good on the low end with the existing jet kit.  
I haven't had a chance to call anyone yet about the jet kit.

Now I have a large area where the air box used to be and I was thinking this may be a good area to move the battery to.
Anyone moved their battery?
I think I will wire braid all of the mis. wird and tidy up the area. I still haven't changed the head breather either. I plan on using SS braided line I have around.
Bike sounds pretty good. It has the pods and a full Yoshimura 4 to 1 I picked up off ebay.
As you guys may know the Yosh 4-1 causes the bike to run rich in the mid range. I was told the Yosh is actually a 4 to 2 to 1 and causes reverision in the carb system in the mid range. I may go back to the stock header and use the mid pipe and can of the Yosh with the stock headers. I think the pods may help but will run lean on top.  Tuning will continue.



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1200 air box removal
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2006, 11:21:11 PM »
If I am not mistaken you should have received optional #120 main jets with your stage 1 Ivan kit for the option to air box modify which is what are essentially doing. In my opinion the hardest part of the job is having to temporarily hook up the vacuum lines to each carb  for synchronization using a carb tuner.  I finally hooked up permanent vacuum lines that are capped off for easy access to my carb tuner. Now it’s a snap to tune the carbs, essential because if they are not tuned  the cylinders fight one another creating additional heat and power loss.