Author Topic: 2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.  (Read 6280 times)

Offline mobynick

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2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:35:01 AM »
Howdy all.  I've been lurking around here for a while and am appreciative or all the info.  I've picked up a few ideas with the search function, but not quite the answers I'm looking for, so.....

I have a 2001 1200 with a Walker stage two jet kit.  I'm running the pods, a "viper" slip on, stock header, and I DON'T have the ignition advancer.  I'm like 2.5 steps leaner on the needle than the base setting, and my mixture screws are out 3.25 turns.  I started at the base settings and tuned it to this point.  It pulls like mad when it's on the main jet and has good immediate throttle response, but when it's at about 1/4 throttle it has a pretty decent flat spot.  It's most noticeable when taking off from a stoplight- it just sort of has a lull in the takeoff, and when I'm on the freeway running with traffic at 60-70- its really passive and feels a bit impotent if you will.  I just synched the carbs this afternoon and it smoothed the overall feel out a little but did nothing to help the flatspot.

Any ideas on what further adjustments I should make?  I'm assuming the ignition advancer helps with the overall performance but I can't imagine it shoud run like this without it. 

One more thing.  With the airbox eliminated and a remote crankcase breather set up I'm getting a consistant smoke coming out of the breather.  I don't know if it's blowby or if that's normal in this application.  The bike probably 12,000 or so miles on it (no speedo) and it does use oil (I doubt that the pistons where ever updated).

Any input is appreciated.  Thanks.


Offline Dave 02 1200

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Re: 2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 09:47:36 AM »

Did you mean to say you are two steps "leaner" than Dale's base settings?

If so, that might be the problem.

You might try going back to the base settings, or even a bit richer on the needles.

Dale's advice is the result of lots of dyno time so I would start there and I would only go leaner if I was at very high altitude.

Good luck,

Busa Shock
HS Stage 1 Jet Kit
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Offline mobynick

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Re: 2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 02:13:49 PM »
I am leaner than the base settings.  I set everything as reccomended and then made the reccomended adhustments, which were to lean out the needles until you get surging or a flat spot.  The weird part is that on the base settings the flat spot was terrible and it has gotten better with each adjustment.  I'm just concerned now that I'm getting too lean on the needles.  Is it common in this application to be this far off the base setting?  I think I only have 1.5 steps to go before the needles are completely leaned out.

Offline Red01

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Re: 2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 02:33:12 PM »
I wouldn't think the advancer would be an issue either, but his kit is designed to use one.  If you don't want to shell out the coin for it, you can slot the holes on the pickup plate to achieve the same thing - and it's easily reversable.

As for the oil breather thing... some light smoke is normal, but if it's more than a light wisp, you may be getting blowby from defective pistons.

My '01 has Dale's Stage II with the advancer and I'm at baseline settings with no flat spots.  I'm at sea level.  I get an occasional wisp of oil fumes - mostly after it's been running hard and I stop.  It may be letting some off at other times, but forward motion is enough to make it undetectable from the saddle.  It does consume ~3-4 ounces of oil every 3000 miles - and has since I bought it with 585 miles on the clock.
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Offline Dave 02 1200

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Re: 2001 Bandit 1200 jetting questions.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 02:35:53 PM »

I don't know the answer.  Might be good to ask Dale.  He helped me out when I was fine tuning mine and I am sure he will be able to help you too.

Good luck,

Busa Shock
HS Stage 1 Jet Kit
Superbike Bars with Bar End Mirrors
Kriss Headlight Modulator