Author Topic: 2001 BANIT 1200 - STARTING ISSUE -- (HELP)  (Read 2453 times)

Offline getsum

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« on: May 15, 2008, 10:33:43 AM »

OK -
You guys know a lot more than I do - Please fill me in / advice / etc....

Bike has always been a little hard to start and takes the enricher being used and hitting the starter button 3- 5 times fo sure.
(I have even put a new battery on it - still the same)

I ride it 2-5 times a week. All local trips - 10 - 35 miles on average.

I got the bike out a couple weeks ago for a long trip from PLANO to WACO and back.
250 miles round trip on HWY averaged - 70 mph or so.
Bike ran great and had no problems.. Heck it rides smoother now that I have had the long ride.

When I start it - "cold"
I have noticed every other time or so after I try to start it I hit the starter a few times with the enricher pulled a little and it seems to kind of "HYDRO LOCK" or that is the symptom that I feel I get. I hit the starter a time or two more and it will kick over and run.

-- NOW - I have noticed on cylinder #1(FAR LEFT if sitting on bike)
Right above where the connection for the exhaust pipe is , there is a small little hole and it seems to SPIT OUT a 1/4 of a shot glas worth of fuel onto the front of the cylinder.
It is not oily, I believe it is just gas, but fill me in on this symptom.

My un-educated guess is this :
Somehow, after the big ride from Plano to Waco and back the carbs are cleaned up a little from the run, but maybe something is stuck in one of the holes in that carb - and this is causing the inital issue upon start up.

Anyone have info on this hole ? and the symptoms I am getting ???