Author Topic: 600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!  (Read 5601 times)

Offline momobandit

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:59:46 PM »
You know it is funny that when I first test drove my bike, (the only bike I had ever ridden), I thought holy sh#t who would want to go faster than that.  Well two years later it seems like my bike has gotten slower that my nieces tricycle. I guess I got used to the 600 pretty fast. I really want to get Nitrous maybe NX or Zex. I have looked up information on them and I guess they want someone that know what there doing installing it because I can not really understand what all I will need.  I think I want a dry system , it should be the easiest to install, but not sure if I need to get a fuel pump or do I need a nozzle for between the engine and the carb for each cylinder? Do you think a 40 shot might be too hard on my bandit?  Can this be done under 700.00? Any info will be much appreciated!! :motorsmile:

Offline Red01

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 03:13:16 PM »
I can't give you any real advice on nitrous, but if you're gonna spend $700, why not sell the B6, take the proceeds and your $700 and get a B12? You'll get more power (all the time), the same looking bike and lots of other upgrades that the 1200 comes with that the 600 doesn't.
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Offline momobandit

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 05:58:15 PM »
The insurance on my 600 is cheaper plus I was hoping any money put in a bike I could transfer over to another. Upgrades for 600 I cant, and I can not really afford another loan out there for a 1200.... Any ideas?


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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2007, 09:50:15 PM »

Offline BANDIT#999

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2007, 10:45:23 PM »
...besides, if you put in a claim for an accident even if you are the one that got hit and the insurance company finds out you modified the motor for more power, it's a good possibility they'll cancel you.
Small possibility but it could happen.
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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2007, 07:14:04 AM »
You can find some good deals on used B12s. Alot of mature owners take care of their bikes,a 1st gen would go around 3K,and still have plenty of life left.2nd gen. around 4K,depending on mileage.

Offline ZenMan

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2007, 11:44:15 AM »
So it's your first bike... I understand your emotional attachment to it and not wanting to trade it in. If I were you I'd find a way to keep it... I bet there's not one person on this board that doesn't wish they still had their first motorcycle. Me? '64 Honda 305 Dream. I've been looking at them on Ebay lately.  :roll:

If you really want to hot-rod your 600, have you thought about putting a turbo kit on it? More practical than nitrous, don't have to fill a tank or hit a switch. About the same $$$ for used.

I know you're excited about the NO2 and wanted encouragement, but us old farts are only going to rain on your parade with our fuddy-duddy common sense. Actually, A B1200 wouldn't be much more insurance-wise than your 600, they're both "standard" motorcycles... but if you are young, then you're gonna get hammered on just about any bike insurance.
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Offline momobandit

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« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2007, 01:14:11 PM »
I am not that good a fabricating or welding, thus my turbo dreams seem very far away..  I wish there was a turbo kit made for just bikes that we could just bolt on... :boohoo:

Good luck gettin your '64 Honda 305 Dream

Offline bikeb4cage

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B6 vs B12 insurance
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2007, 11:15:16 PM »
Just for reference, my insurance went from 150/year to 350/year for same coverage when I upgraded from a B6 to a B12.  I concur, get the B12.

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2007, 12:17:55 PM »
Quote from: "momobandit"
I am not that good a fabricating or welding, thus my turbo dreams seem very far away..  I wish there was a turbo kit made for just bikes that we could just bolt on... :boohoo:

There are kits just for motorcycles.
Mr. Turbo even has a B12 kit on their site!
NLR Systems also sells turbo kits for bikes. They don't list the Bandit on their site, but they may put a kit together for one.
MC-Xpress has bike (and snowmobile) turbo kits, too.
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Offline momobandit

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600 S bandit Nitrous HELP!!
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2007, 10:26:53 AM »
Those are some pretty awesome sights! Thanks for the info. :motorsmile: