Author Topic: a couple of chain questions  (Read 3373 times)

Offline tannerismyhero

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a couple of chain questions
« on: April 10, 2006, 12:14:50 AM »
Hi all. My chain on my 1200 is basically within spec tightness at only one point in the chain and on the other parts it is extremely loose. When I put it on the center stand it seems like it will go fine then slowdown then catch again making the chain loose then taunt. I oiled the hell out of it with WD but it didn't make a diffrence. The adjuster is on the 3rd from rear notch on the swing arm. I would adjust it tighter for the loose part but I am afraid it would be way too tight on the part of the chain that is tight. I looked at the back sprocket and it looks like one of the teeth has had the tip chipped off but I cant tell if that has anything to do with the slack in the chain or not. I don't know how to get the front cover off to look at the front sprocket. The bike has 14k on it, it is time to get new sprockets and a chain? Know any place I can get it cheap? I just got the bike running so it was kin of a bummer to see this but oh well. Better safe than sorry so thats why I'm asking
01 1200s

Offline Red01

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a couple of chain questions
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 10:49:10 AM »
You should adjust the chain to spec in the tightest spot.

If the tight spots can't be worked out with lube and some excercise, a new chain is in your near future.

The standard story is to replace the chain and sprockets together. You can get away with just a chain replacement if your sprockets don't show any signs of wear when compared to what a new one looks like. Since you have a broken tooth, the sprocket should be changed with the chain. Since you're doing that, you should replace the front one, too, no matter what it looks like. You can't go wrong that way.

To check the front one, just remove the allen bolts from the cover.

CAUTION: While the cover is loose or off be sure no one moves the clutch lever or you may end up with a mess and a need to rebuild the clutch slave cylinder.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline blackbandit

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a couple of chain questions
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2006, 08:25:02 AM »
i once had a chain that needed tlc
soak it in parrafin over night clean off refit and lube
good as new ......
long live the bandit

Offline vadim

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a couple of chain questions
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2006, 12:00:29 PM »
Bob's cycle supply has DID chains at a very good price.  I got mine from them.
'01 600s