Author Topic: B12 accessing the oil drive gears  (Read 3792 times)

Offline StangMATA

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:26:27 PM »
03 B12s

Apparently on clutch reinstallation part deux, I broke a tooth off of either the clutch drive or driven gears. Don't ask how, I have no idea how I managed it.

The question I have is clutch basket removal.

Once I remove the clutch springs and all the plates, I am left with the basket.

According to the suk SM, the basket should then be free to seperate from the drive gear and slide off the input shaft. Here is where I run into the problem. I can pull the basket all the way to the end of the input shaft, but I just...can't...get it off. Almost like the edges of the shaft are flared or the edges of the basket (inner hole) are peened over.

Is there a trick or a step I am missing or should I just use the file and smooth out the surface of the input shaft?

If anyone has the SM in front of them, I am looking at pg. 3-18.
Ian<br />USAF<br />2003 Silver Bandit 1200s<br />D&D slip-on. Busa Shock. Mostly Stock <br/>

Offline StangMATA

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 11:29:47 PM »

In that image I cannpt get #4, the clutch hub, off the input shaft, let alone #1, the basket.
Ian<br />USAF<br />2003 Silver Bandit 1200s<br />D&D slip-on. Busa Shock. Mostly Stock <br/>

Offline kedeg_97B12

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 12:19:59 PM »
There are quite a few of us that have done the same thing. I broke a tooth 'crunch', started it, heard horrible noises and shut it off. I then removed the basket not noticing the teeth missing, rotated it and broke off more teeth. I spent an hour combing the pan and valleys for the teeth with a magnet. I found all five. $80 later and I was ready to go. I don't recall having any problems with the removal of the basket though. Is the washer holding back the basket? It has been a while since I messed with the clutch though.
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Offline StangMATA

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 03:05:58 PM »
Good, at least I don't feel like such a moron.

I don't see a washer holding it back. I will have to tear it back down and maybe snap a few pics.
Ian<br />USAF<br />2003 Silver Bandit 1200s<br />D&D slip-on. Busa Shock. Mostly Stock <br/>

Offline pmackie

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 03:20:07 PM »
If I understand you correctly, you have removed the nut that holds the clutch inner hub on, the hub will start to slide off, but then hangs up on the end of the transmission input shaft?

If this is correct, then yes, look at the end of the input shaft an see if there are any rags or damage. If so, carefully file down the damage until the hub is able to come off freely.

However, it sounds odd. Are you sure you have disconnected everything? Is the inner hub hanging up on the outer basket?
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Offline Bob Holland

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 09:03:54 PM »
You can pull the outer and inter clutch out together on the Bandit. I have the Bandit clutch out of my bike, I am running the GSXR clutch, so if you need and measurements or info that I can get by looking at the clutch parts, just let me know. :motorsmile:
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Offline StangMATA

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 04:48:47 PM »
Quote from: "pmackie"
If I understand you correctly, you have removed the nut that holds the clutch inner hub on, the hub will start to slide off, but then hangs up on the end of the transmission input shaft?

If this is correct, then yes, look at the end of the input shaft an see if there are any rags or damage. If so, carefully file down the damage until the hub is able to come off freely.

Yup, that's what I am saying.


However, it sounds odd. Are you sure you have disconnected everything? Is the inner hub hanging up on the outer basket?

I don't know how the inner hub would hang up on the basket.

Quote from: "BHolland"
You can pull the outer and inter clutch out together on the Bandit.

And I can't get them off. My best guess is the hub is hanging up.
Ian<br />USAF<br />2003 Silver Bandit 1200s<br />D&D slip-on. Busa Shock. Mostly Stock <br/>

Offline StangMATA

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B12 accessing the oil drive gears
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2007, 12:34:27 AM »
Managed to get it out after filing the input shaft. Thanks for all the help. :thanks:
Ian<br />USAF<br />2003 Silver Bandit 1200s<br />D&D slip-on. Busa Shock. Mostly Stock <br/>