Author Topic: bad vibrations  (Read 2626 times)

Offline gary.c.

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bad vibrations
« on: November 05, 2006, 06:25:37 PM »
my 1200 k4 has some serious vibs at between 1500-2500 rpm.It can be felt in the seat and the bars.the carbs  and crank have been balanced but have made no difference.the rest of the bike is fine .It has 4000 miles on the clock.any ideas,its driving me mad :sad:
still ploding along

Offline Bazza

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bad vibrations
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 03:42:12 AM »
Hey Gary:

I see you live in England. You may want to check & see if you have not lost any wheel balancing weights. I have had this happen on many occasions.

If you are getting the vibes at a stand still (Just reving up the bike) I would suggest looking at re-balancing your carbs. Also, it's quite common for the fairing to resonate vibrations if it has come loose. I would put the bike up on the centre stand & just feel around for loose parts when you are reving it up. I once had one of the black panels on the fairing assembly come loose and you could hear it for miles.