Author Topic: Bandit 1200s 56 Plate High Level Exhausts  (Read 7339 times)

Offline Asphalt

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Bandit 1200s 56 Plate High Level Exhausts
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2006, 10:41:31 AM »
Yeeeaaaaa... I am inclined to agree with Solman JUST a freeflow can is only going to give you about 5-6 HP, then you have to concider the Baffles in the midpipe (another 4-5 HP) Jetting and opening up your air intake will add more.  I have Dyno'd on 3 separate occations with my new settings (Yosh bolt on, K&N, stock Pilots, larger mains, 1 needle shim, snorkel removed, and with some bitching and groaning and fine tuning the A/F screws) I pulled 117 avg with that set up.  5 Degree advancer smoothed it out, but unless you get into the GSXR Cams, piston upgrade, and stage 2 Jet kit, that is about all you are going to get out of it.  There are some guys on here that have seen more than that, but they also have Holeshot or Ivan's Jet kits I have the poor mans kit.  But hey if you believe everything you see advertised I would have married, boned, and procreated with Angelina Jolee by now... :lol:
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline Horse1200

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« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2006, 02:10:08 PM »
Im not sure either on the increase but we will see when it goes in for a run. Its going to Steve jordans, he does alot with engine set ups and suspension settings for British super bikes . He setup my girlfriends gsxr 750 K7 when they fitted a arrow exhaust system and remapped it, it turned a awesome superbike in to a flipping rocket ship. Lets hope they can sort out the B12. I will post results when I get the bike done.

Offline karl

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Bandit 1200s 56 Plate High Level Exhausts
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2006, 03:50:47 AM »
'98 750 Bandit