As some of you know, "Viking" @ the max-zuki site has posted a great method for getting rid of the fairing buzz:
My WebpageI basically did this, but with a few additional modifications:
1. I used a rolled rubber roof tape from Home Depot instead of Roadkill. After I consulted my local car audio shop about Roadkill, the guy working there suggested that alternate product. Possibly the same results as Roadkill, but a lot cheaper. $8.95 roll. (4 sq./ft/ of Dynamat was $34.95)
2. I bought a bicycle tube and made rubber washers and gaskets for the parts that screw to the frame. I bought a hole punch to make the holes in it. Cost: $2.45 for tire and $1.98 for the hole punch.
3. Used RTV gasket goop for all the plastic fairing connections. Cost $2.95.
Let me tell you, this seems like a totally different bike. The buzz is now
very, very minimal and the mirror vibe is 100% better. I'm sure using Dynamat or Roadkill would have been better, but this roofer's rubber tape seemed to do the trick. easy to cut and trim too.
I bet the RTV gasket maker would have done wonders just by itself. If your contemplating on whether this is worth it or not, trust it! :D
P.s. This winter i plan on pulling the gas tank and installing rubber gaskets between where the the fairing bracket and the frame contact each other. I think that the very little buzz that still remains will be eliminated from doing this. In the mean time, I'm very happy with the results for what I did to date.