Author Topic: Brake rotor problems -- pulsating brakes.  (Read 6936 times)

Offline ray nielsen

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Brake rotor problems -- pulsating brakes.
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2005, 11:41:04 AM »
This is the final update on the pulsating brake rotor problems I"ve encountered.

EBC has sent new Pro-Lite rotors along with two pair of EBC HH pads.  I've returned the old rotors at my expense ($11) and am very happy with the new rotors.  I measured them for thickness variations and found less than 0.0002" variation, certainly within my measurement capabilities.    When turning car rotors one usually tries for 0.0005" parallelness or thickness variation.

The Suzuki rotors that I had machined at Salvage Tool and Mfg. are on the bike right now and are working well with EBC Kevlar pads.  Lots of bite, no pulsations and all seems well.  

I'll keep the new EBC rotors off the bike until I see if the problem returns with the Suzuki parts -- it might, as imperfections in the metal are the suspected cause.  Time will tell.  

I don't think I'm interested in using the EBC sintered HH pads as I've heard they cause rotor galling and accelerated wear.  Any one on the list had any experience with them?  Curious minds want to know.

Offline Red01

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Brake rotor problems -- pulsating brakes.
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2005, 11:01:44 PM »
I have Galfer HH pads. Been on for ~15-20K now. Rotors seem to be doing fine - they've got 40K on them.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline ray nielsen

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Brake rotor problems -- pulsating brakes.
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2005, 08:11:34 PM »
Gary Gallagher, the EBC technician, got back to me re: the EBC Pro-Lite rotors that were giving me trouble with pulsating brakes on my Bandit 1200 circa 2003.  

He had already sent new rotors and his follow up explained that both the rotor hub AND the rotor itself were defective and not true in their manufacture.  

Glad to hear I wasn't nuts and that there was a defined cause for the problem.  He added that he didn't know how they could have passed QC inspection in merry old England when made.

All's well that ends well, especially with good rotors.