Author Topic: Chain & Sprocket Kits for 2G B6  (Read 3060 times)

Offline bassguytom

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Chain & Sprocket Kits for 2G B6
« on: May 16, 2006, 03:42:05 PM »
I clicked a link to a website the other day that was selling what they called 'optimized' sprocket kits for my 02 B6.  It was a 520 x-ring chain conversion, a fresh front sprocket and a fresh rear sprocket that was +3 teeth over stock.  I have beat Google to death, as well as these boards, searching for the page reference again and I cannot locate it.   :duh: I'm pretty sure they called it an 'optimized sprocket kit', in that each kit was supposedly built so that the bike maxed out in top gear at redline.  

At this point I can't even find my way back to the site.  It's not Vortex.  I keep zero days of history on my browser, so that was no help.  Has anyone seen this site before?  I'm basically frustrated that I can't find it again.  Any help is appreciated.   :boohoo:


Offline PaulVS

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Chain & Sprocket Kits for 2G B6
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 04:12:06 PM »
Those kits are all over Ebay.  The "optimization" thing is a bunch of hooey unless you're running it at the track, IMO.

The life span will be less for both the sprockets and the chain with a 520 kit.

Offline flipbandit

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520 conversion
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 11:05:08 AM »
I too have been researching on those conversion kits. I have just recently changed my chains and sprockets last month. And have put on a little bit over 1000 miles on em.
But I decided to just go stock. Over the conversion.
Paulvs is right u can just find em on ebay runs for 109 to 120 for the whole kit plus shipping and handling ofcourse. I think its a bargain. But for warranty issues on the chain I decided to just buy my parts at a local bike shop. Didn't wanna deal with shipping it back and the waiting period to get the parts back again. Though I paid a lil bit more than what others sells it for online, the guy is cool at the bike shop. One man shop. Can't really beat a local own business people. Anyways back to the parts.I have been on this alley for awhile and read a lot bout bandits.
The speedometer is already inacurate to start with and putting a 520 kit on it will even make it worse I think. Or maybe if ur lucky it might correct it hahaha but I just didn't wanna gamble on that.

I believe the kit will increase ur punch and deacrease ur top speed and will get u doing wheelies much easier. Lifespan will not be as long as stock, I had 22000 on my stock before it really started sagging hitting my centerstand.

I will post the link on the ebay seller when I'm online at my computer at home I have the link there, I'm only using my cell phone right now to get on this alley.

Oh by the way since ur gonna spend about 200 bucks on the kit u should consider getting a gsxr motor. Even a 600 will do so much for u. I believe air cooled motors are a direct bolt on.they run as cheap as 250  on ebay. U keep tinkerin on these lil b6s it'll be cheaper to get a gixxer motor.
I think 78 ponies just enough for me.

Offline flipbandit

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Chain & Sprocket Kits for 2G B6
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 06:36:30 PM »

Offline bassguytom

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Chain & Sprocket Kits for 2G B6
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 11:55:39 PM »
Thanks for the replies.  

I'm really pretty happy with the bike overall and it currently only has about 7800 miles on it.   :grin: But, I bought the bike used and I have no idea how well it was taken care of.  The chain looks less than great.  The tires look like they were run with low air pressure for quite some time (there's a little cupping on the front tire, not bad, but you can see it if the light hits the tire just right).  The oil was low when I got it.  Just signs that it might have been neglected some.  But I got it for a great price, so I'm thinking I can afford a couple of upgrades.

My main thoughts were to put a Holeshot, Yosh, or D&D can on it, maybe a K&N air filter, check the jets (it runs sooo good, I wonder if the prior owner might have already rejetted or at least shimmed it), and change out the chain and sprockets.

I already love this bike and have a really hard time keeping the smile off my face because I ride it so much.  If it had a bit more power and lot more punch... :banana: