Author Topic: Cheapo Jet kit?  (Read 3752 times)

Offline Sandman9270

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Cheapo Jet kit?
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:19:41 AM »
Ok, I admit it.  I'm cheap.  I bought a 2001 Bandit 600 for $2800 bucks.  I want a jet kit but I don't want to spend over a hundred bucks for a handful of washers and some new main's.  Call me crazy but for my purposes(commuting) more than 70 HP is a waste anyway.  

Here's what I want to do.

1) Find a aftermarket exhaust..any kind preferably used for a couple hundred bucks.

2) Open the pilot screws up a bit and get some fabled #2 washers at radio shack and that's it.

I'm not looking for blistering speed at 10k RPMS's or anything just want to enrichen the fuel misture so I can put an aftermarket pipe on and not run the bike too lean/hot and damage the engine/ make cold starts even tougher.

Will the above plan work?  If not is there somewhere else I can get mains cheaper?  I"m sure Dale's kit is great but on a 600 I feel like I would just be trying to polish a turd in terms of performance.

Offline bikeb4cage

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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 11:45:30 AM »
Did you find an aftermarket pipe?
2001 B12N

Offline Asphalt

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Cheapo Jet kit?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 12:38:37 PM »
Personal experience has opened many pathways.  FIrst off, if you are looking for a high flow exhaust you will be better off with a slip on that goes all the way to the collector.  The reason being (and I learned this recently) even the midpipe holds a honey comb baffels in it, and in most cases slip ons eliminate that.  If you just go with a bolt on it will get rid of the baffels in the can and give you more flow, but remember there is another in the midpipe.

As far as a cheap Jet kit.  Well that is a somewhat hard because I went on a rampage to seek out the numbers for Mikuni Main  and pilot jets, and stick with the Stock needle. Now you CAN tune your carb with JUST the jets and a shim under each needle, in fact you can get one of the best power curves with a certain set up BUT you run super rich.  Most of the on line guides to jetting has you down size the pilot jet which causes you to run lean on idle, and then shim the needles at .05 which again keeps yo rich BUT makes the transition to you already rich mains smooth.  It will ride nice, but internally, it is not correct.  You sacrifice much of the horsepower that the bike is capable of.  So I will pass this on to you as it was stated to me, "The magic is in the needle".  No one, I MEAN NO ONE will sell you the needles separately.  I have tried and failed miserably, I have an awsome hook up at the local shop and HE couldn't wrestle needles out of anyone.  It will cost approx 40 to 50 bucks (as long as you already have a K&N).  If you don't have one then its about 50 bucks additional and thus you spend over 100 bucks any way, and if you add another 15 to 20 you can get the Holeshot stage one with what you have already spent AND you get the needles.  Since you have a Gen 2 bike you might want to puck up for the jet kit from holeshsot it is only 15 to 20 bucks more that what you will have spent.  

So if you want part numbers I will direct you to a some websites, BUT I HIGHLY recommend a jet kit because for a 600 you are going to spend the same amount anyway.  Plus Dale is pretty cool with helping you and will actually talk to you about what potential your bike has.  This is just a suggestion, so if you decide to go the curious route like I did then I can point you in the direction.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline Sandman9270

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Cheapo Jet kit?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2006, 02:35:44 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  I noticed you have a 1200, did you used to own a 600?  I guess the 600 has the same sort of mid-pipe?  I'll probably break down and get Dale's kit and some point.  I'm kinda hoping I can make it to whatever Bandit gathering exists in 2007 and try someone's jetted 600 out to see if it makes much difference.  I would have just gone ahead and gotten a 1200 but it seems like around me they still go for around $4k.  Anyway thanks again for the reply.

Offline bikeb4cage

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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2006, 03:33:00 PM »
I have a jetted B6 - the jet kit and pipe made a noticeable difference.  Was very happy with it -just wanted more power after a while (just got a B12).  I have a Micron pipe on the B12 (not too loud, and just stainless steel, no colors) and the original B12 mid pipe.  The B12 puts out about 115 HP (dyno'd) - I suspect if I put a new (no baffle) midpipe on, it would put out a few more HP.  I don't think the mid pipe would make a difference on the B6 (my opinion only) since it flows much less exhaust than  B12 - I am considering selling the Micron can with midpipe (it will fit a B6, I tested it on mine)...let me know if interested.  Of course, you would need to convince yourself the midpipe (stock one) does not negatively affect HP on a B6.
2001 B12N

Offline PaulVS

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Cheapo Jet kit?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2006, 03:54:20 PM »
I have some new & used slip-ons & full systems.

PM me for details.

Offline Asphalt

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Cheapo Jet kit?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2006, 05:05:46 PM »
Yes I have a 1200.  I have quite a few friends who have driven 600s, and modified them.  All of them eventually went to the holeshot jet kit.  I don't know if the baffels in the mid pipe for the 600 makes THAT much of a difference.  Like I said I had JUST learned this yesterday.  I was talking to Dale about Horsepower, and he mentioned that the baffel in the midpipe is worth about 5 hp in the 1200.  It would definitely open up the airways either way.  The things I have learned about 2 Gen 600s--Jetting and opening up the airways does work, and you benifeit from it greatly.  Opening your exhaust and intake works very well, and the 5 degree advancer does nothing for Gen2 bikes or 600s of any gen.  Granted you won't see the HP of a 1200 you can still make it nice.  I only know one person that has a Gen2 600 and he went all out on the mods for his bike.  It turned out nice, and when my 1200 was stock he could keep up a little.  But now, he doesn't stand a chance, and that is just with K&N, Yosh R3, Jetting, and timing advancer.  Just with that and removing the snorkel I have 117 Max power.  Next I am dropping the piston kit, and GSXR cams, and having the heads milled.  I think there are mods like that for the 600 to push its potential.  These guys on here would know better than I would, but it is worth a try and some bucks to get it to do what you want.  I was just letting you know that the "Do It Yourself Jet Kit" is just as expensive as just ordering one. Oh yea, I have heard that the "Dyno Jet kit" Is crappy on Gen2's.  Holeshot and Ivan's so far are the best ones for Gen2, plus either one will sit on the phone with you and help if you need it, Dale will walk you through if you need it.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)