Author Topic: Dyno Tune results... disappointing :(  (Read 2962 times)

Offline MazdaRx

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Dyno Tune results... disappointing :(
« on: September 04, 2008, 03:03:11 PM »
well, attached is my printout from my dyno.  its was on a SportDevices SportDyno 3.2  (never heard of these) I am told the results would have been higher if it was done on a DynoJet brand Dynomometer.

63.5 ponies
32.6 torque

this was just after my FactoryPro jet kit and slip on was installed. it just seems kinda low for a bike that should be at around 70hp at the wheel stock. In fact i called a few days before i picked it up and he said it had 72 at the wheel... now he is busy and might have confused me with a diffrent customer. great mechanic and shop but they are so popular around here he has too much on his plate sometimes.  I also did not see the before chart so i belive he never actually did a before pull.

the bike has 8000 miles on it.  its a 2001 b6

maybe someone can make sense of this sheet.

blue torque, red Hp and purple fuel

Offline pmackie

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Re: Dyno Tune results... disappointing :(
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 04:12:40 PM »
Remember, the bike is just as fast, regardless of what the dyno says, or what dyno its on.

It would have been nice to see the before and after so you can compare the jetting and changes.

I don't see a scale for the fuel? I would expect it is an indicator of rich/lean based on unburned hydrocarbon in the exhaust? If so, he should be able to improve the overall performance with some additional tuning?

Anyway, the shape of the graph is pretty typical for a B6...peak torque at 9000-9500 and peak HP at 10,500 +/-, so nothing unexpected. The flat/dropping torque from 5000-7000 rpm is also pretty typical, but you should be able to improve it some, with some jetting.

Again, don't be too concerned with the peak numbers, there are too many variables in dyno's, altititude, humidity, etc. - what you really want to know is what can be changed to improve the performance. I'd want to sit with the guy and discuss what jetting, airbox and pipe mods might help...
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
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Offline MazdaRx

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Re: Dyno Tune results... disappointing :(
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2008, 05:59:09 PM »
well, i am happy with the way it performs now :)  i was just expecting higher numbers.  the line near the blue torque line on the graph is the fuel.  high peaks are lean low peaks are rich. I don't know why its not in a seperate box like a car dyno would be. he said its the best they could do for all around performance.  the bike shot real lean around 7000 rpm so he corrected it the best he could.  Before he dyno'd it he installed a Factory Pro jet kit and a D&D slip on.  I was just expecting more around the 75hp mark and thought maybe something else was a factor.  I am glad that this is common, i thought the bike had some problem since it seamed to produce less than expected.