Author Topic: engine crash bars  (Read 10092 times)

Offline Big Bo

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engine crash bars
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2007, 12:24:27 AM »
Suz OEM guards here too.
2002 Silver 1200S
Two Brothers slip on
Busa shock
Power Bronze Hugger
Zero Gravity Double Bubble
Ivan`s jet kit and air box mod

Ya gota love a 1200 torque monster.

Offline Vlad

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OEM does crack
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2007, 10:50:45 PM »
Update to my previous (positive) experience with OEM Suzuki engine guards:

The left one cracked recently all around the weld by the back flat bar. Completely lost contact and started to buzz.

Surprisingly that's not the one that the bike was tipped over on three times by me and crashed on once before me. Granted, the guards that I'be bought used have been on my bike for the past 30.000Km and the spacers I put in place probably did apply tension on the bar, but it still shouldn't crack like it was made of glass. Nevertheless I'm happy with them as they cost me $15 a pair and my engine covers are still virgo intacta :).

Just wanted to update and correct my previous statement and confirm that OEM Suzuki guards do indeed crack, probably much more often than they should. I'll weld mine back and pretend it didn't happen because there's no way I'm paying what other models mentioned here go for.
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides