Author Topic: help!!!!  (Read 2534 times)

Offline bnrboy775

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« on: March 06, 2007, 10:37:20 PM »
Okay i'm am currently in the process of installing dale's jet kit... all the shim and jets went fine and i am trying to put the carbs back in... and i cant seem to get the throttle cables to go back on the way they were i have them on but the trottle is  either really tight of won't go back all the way... how do i put them back on right??? please help me

Offline GSFStiny

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« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 11:44:36 PM »
First things first, make sure you dont have them switched, sounds dumb, but Ive done it.  It sounds like youve got something in a bind, is everything routed exactly the way it was before?
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Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 11:48:04 PM »
no i don't have them switched... i labeled them to make sure i wouldnt do that... ill check and see if something it binding... i just don't know exactly how to put them back on correctly... like how to tighten the screws and all that... should i just keep playing aroung with the adjustment on them and see if it loosens it up??

Offline PaulVS

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« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 12:12:23 AM »
Take them off at the handlebar end.... gives you a lot more play to work with.   :wink:

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 12:43:16 AM »
okay im done working for the night... i gave up on them... that's the only thing i have left other then putting the tank on.. i have the little round things at the end of the cable connected to the carb... but i cant seem to get the part with the nuts into the hold correctly and tighten the nuts down right... like no matter what i do  either the throttle is really hard to turn... or the throttle is easy to turn but won't recoil itself back to idle position... it seems i can't find the happy medium...


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« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 01:33:55 AM »
These otherwise simple things can become difficult when frustrated and looking again after some needed sleep will help jog your resembley memory. Looking at my Clymer manual which has excellent illustrations on throttle cables installation/ removal it all becomes clear again to me. Basically if you know and understand which cable is the pull and push, their loosening lock nut adjuster locations near the throttle and and carburetor mounting bracket, loosening these adjusters and disengaging the cables from the throttle, will give you the slack too work with the cables, provided you have not completely installed the carburetors which need to be loose to get the cables back into the throttle wheel and mounting bracket correctly. If you cant remember this by hart from disassembly, you need a good manual with illustrations to get it back together.

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 03:35:39 AM »
i'm sure tomorrow i can figure it out... just had a long day and wanted to get this stuff done.. don't worry i checked and rechecked to make sure i did everything correctly... i think ill try tomorrow getting them loose from the actual throttle and get them on the carbs... and then adjust them at the throttle... would that be an easier way to do it... or would that not work?