Author Topic: Holeshot Stage 1 and stock exhaust....Bad idea???  (Read 8888 times)

Offline solman

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Holeshot Stage 1 and stock exhaust....Bad idea???
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2005, 10:09:38 AM »
Quote from: "rider123"
Well I just ordered a Muzzy exhaust online. Will this jet kit work with it? How hard to do is the 2" airbox mod? Any pics? WHere is the 2" hole made? Does it have to be in a certain place? I'm a little wary of permanantly modifying parts but if you guys have had good experience with it I guess it's ok. I hope it doesn't let in water or whatnot. Did you guys go up one pilot jet size for this kit (17.5?)

When you get the jet kit, take your time and read the instructions.  Reading the instructions will clear up a lot of your answers.  If you have any questions about the holeshot jet kit, give Dale a call.  He is great to work with and responds quite well to emails.  As far as letting water in, I've never had any issues with it.  It is so far tucked under the tank, you would have to directly spray water under there to even be an issue.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline Dave 02 1200

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Holeshot Stage 1 and stock exhaust....Bad idea???
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 10:40:01 PM »
I have installed a Holeshot stage one kit with a stock exhaust and the results are excellent!  I did the whole job including the air box mod, shortened springs, ignition advancer, shims, main jets, and pilot screw adjustment.  The stock carb settings were too lean but now the bike runs great.  I have no interest in an aftermarket exhaust because I feel that this set up achieves the best combination of throttle response, mid range torque, and quiet operation.
Busa Shock
HS Stage 1 Jet Kit
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