Author Topic: holeshot stage 2 jet kit  (Read 5402 times)

Offline Davespit1

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holeshot stage 2 jet kit
« on: April 02, 2007, 10:11:00 PM »
Sorry so long but I want to get you guys the info. My gen 2 B-12 has Holeshot exaust(complete), Stage2 with pods, Ign. advancer, gsxr intake and exaust cams. I already had the header and exaust, ign. adv. ,and a holeshot stage 1. I just added the holeshot stage 2 with pods and gsxr cams. I am having trouble getting the carbs dialed in. I will call Dale later this week, I just wanted you guys' input cuz alot of you have been thru this.         Here is where I'm at.  Pilots  17.5   Mains  152.5  fuel screws 3.75 out.  I started with needles on 3rd from top with shim was running out of fuel badly. Went to 4th notch no shim big diff but surging at cruise speed, went 4th with shim, a little better went 5th notch no shim and it still has a hesitation at 4000 rpm. If I run it hard it runs absolutely awesome but if I cruise at 4000 in high gear, light throttle it has a hesitation/surge. Have any of you needed to go 5th notch with shims??? The floats are set at 13mm, they were about 8mm from the factory so putting them at 13 lowered the fuel level in the bowls, but it runs great at full throttle running at high rpm, thats why I think its a needle issue, not mains or float level. I did all the work myself so I know the cams and valve adj. are right on. I know I will get a slight power loss at midrange, but thats not what this is. Again sorry for the book and thanks for any input you have. Thanks, Dave

Offline Red01

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holeshot stage 2 jet kit
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 01:26:40 PM »
Do you have a set of 155 mains? If so, you might try that.

It's been so long since I rejetted mine, I don't remember the size I put in there, but I'm in the 3rd clip with no shims.

The factory float setting is 13mm, so if yours was 8mm, either someone screwed up at the factory or you're not measuring the float height correctly. Bill "Blade" Johnson covers float height adjustment in his Holeshot Stage II jet kit installation instructions here.
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Offline Davespit1

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holeshot stage 2 jet kit
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 08:29:30 PM »
Red, I do not have a set of 155 mains, but I did talk to Dale and I left the hoses that run from between 1&2 and 3&4 carbs on. He said to remove them , that they would cause this condition. Also he said the same as you about the floats. I used the factory serv manual method of turning the carbs completely up side down for float measurement. He said that the factory method is incorrect and will cause a 3mm difference in the reading because the weight of the float is resting on the needle. Thanks for the link with the pictures. I will let you know how it turns out. May be a few days cuz the weather just got real cold in PA today. Thanks, Dave

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holeshot stage 2 jet kit
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2007, 12:26:07 PM »
Dave, I live close to you, don't know how it runs with the small piolot? Same set up but with 150 mains. But I kept going up with the piolots till I got the low end stumble out. I'm running 40s(guessing now it may be the stock37.5s) I don't understand the therroy of going down in the piolots while going up in the mains. It ran good when at full thottle, but not at slow speeds untill I went up.

Offline Davespit1

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holeshot stage 2 jet kit
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2007, 11:27:32 PM »
Removing the plastic hoses worked. It runs like a champ now. I even put the neddle back down some. Thanks, Dave