Author Topic: jet kit question  (Read 6069 times)

Offline sofakingmean1

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jet kit question
« on: July 01, 2006, 11:24:14 PM » dont get all pissed off....

i'm looking at jet kits....i see two kinds....

dynojet and holeshot....

now the holshot comes with the advancer which i think i can mod the one on the bike....and the dynojet kit comes with springs and needles as well as the jets.....

GOD !!!....i hate to one better? or does the dyno kit just have more bells and whistles?it seems like all i would need is the jets and shims...

if that is true.... :idea: why cant i just order the jets?get the shims at radioshack?...what is so special about the jets in the kit.... :?: would be a little cheaper.....


Offline PaulVS

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jet kit question
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2006, 11:38:04 PM »
If it's a 2nd Gen... the Dynojet kit sucks.

Best bet is Ivan's... followed closely by Holeshot & Factory Pro.

Offline sofakingmean1

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jet kit question
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2006, 11:45:01 PM »
....sorry....i should have said which one...

2001 GSF600S Bandit


Offline jeepskate99

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jet kit question
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 09:06:55 PM »
Quote from: PaulVS
If it's a 2nd Gen... the Dynojet kit sucks.

Best bet is Ivan's... followed closely by Holeshot & Factory Pro.

<--Ivans here!!  LOVE IT.  Glad I wasn't the one to drill the swiss cheese holes in the airbox cover though.
There are no stupid questions,  only stupid people asking questions!

Offline Maximus

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OT: Paul, who is the chick on the left in your sig?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 03:37:47 AM »
Paul, who is the chick on the left in your sig, to wit:

1) Who is this chick?
2) Why is it hard to focus on this girl?
3) Why don't we have chicks like this in North Carolina?



Offline Bazza

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jet kit question
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2006, 05:32:55 AM »
Best bang for the buck is Ivan's kit. (I have seen both Ivan's & Dale's)

PS, the timing advancer is a waste of time from what I have seen.

Ivan's link is here:

Offline sofakingmean1

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jet kit question
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2006, 12:59:57 PM »
ivans is the way i think i will go...i'm about a week out until ordering it.... :idea: i also am thinking about making a post ...a step by step while changing them... with pictures. seems to be alot of jet kit questions but i havnt seen a good step by step...also maybe scan off the directions and post them as well...this may help a new guy out a little...

any thoughts?


Offline Dave 02 1200

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jet kit question
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2006, 03:46:57 PM »
I am sure Ivan's kit is good.  He has many satisfied customers.  However, Dale Walker's kit that includes a 5 degree ignition advancer that is a work of art in itself.  His instructions are clear and easy to follow and, in my experience with my 02 1200, the results are spectacular.  When it was new, my bike was a cold-blooded and had flat spots in the powerband.  With the Holeshot kit installed it starts and warms up quickly, it runs much more  smoothly at all RPM, it runs cooler than before, and it makes better power everywhere.  Dale's customer service is great.  His expert advice is just a phone call or e-mail away.  FWIW, I would go with Dale.
Busa Shock
HS Stage 1 Jet Kit
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Offline Vee Dub Nut

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jet kit question
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2006, 10:56:55 PM »
very happy with the Holeshot, cant beat the serivce from Dale Walker.. JMO..
Adam in College Station Texas

1996 Bandit 750s - SOLD!
1998 Bandit 1200s - SOLD!
2000 VW GTi GLX
1967 VW Beetle* slight modifictations

Offline sofakingmean1

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jet kit question
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2006, 11:11:18 PM »
the jetting is for a 2001 B6....if that makes any differance...dales is cheaper....his comes with time advance and ivans with new needles...i am begining to think a jet kit is a jet kit.... :banghead:  

thanks guys...

Offline gearset01

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which one
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2006, 08:52:30 PM »
Sounds like a Chevy - VS - Ford thing.

Offline sofakingmean1

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jet kit question
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2006, 08:56:54 PM »
or a taste great..... :beers: .....less filling :beers:  

ford vs. chevy....right on the nose.... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Offline gearset01

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« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2006, 09:15:25 PM »
Hey if you are going to install it yourself do the tutorial...
I would like to see that. And yes I think it would be very helpfull to alot of guys. Me included.

Offline Bazza

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jet kit question
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2006, 08:03:36 PM »
Quote from: Dave 02 1200
I am sure Ivan's kit is good.  He has many satisfied customers.  However, Dale Walker's kit that includes a 5 degree ignition advancer that is a work of art in itself.  His instructions are clear and easy to follow and, in my experience with my 02 1200, the results are spectacular.  When it was new, my bike was a cold-blooded and had flat spots in the powerband.  With the Holeshot kit installed it starts and warms up quickly, it runs much more  smoothly at all RPM, it runs cooler than before, and it makes better power everywhere.  Dale's customer service is great.  His expert advice is just a phone call or e-mail away.  FWIW, I would go with Dale.

I have installed both kits (on seperate bikes of course) and the only thing a timing advancer did was create a very nasty idle on the bike it was installed on. (Just my experiance of course) There are a few others along with myself on the Bandit boards that would agree that a timing advancer is a waste of money.

I am not in anyway taking sides here. But Ivan's Dyno testing showed no performance gains with the installation of a timing advancer. (My seat of the pants testing would agree with Ivan).

The plus to Ivan's kit are his own tapered & adjustable needles which in comparing the two kits, provides a much better mid range kick in my mind. (however fuel economy suffers as a result). I am getting around 36 mpg, Dales kit users seem to get around 43. (The price I am paying for the mid range kick)

But like I said, I am not trying to bad mouth either kit, they both are a huge improvement over the bandit's lean stock jetting. Both kits are pretty much a folow the instructions & ride type thing.

But on that note, in the future I would just do my own jetting. It can be done for a fraction of the price.

I would go with:

20 3/8" holes in airbox (you could cover some back up if needed)

17.5 or 20.0 Pilot jets

110 or 112.5 Mains.

Needles with 4 shims

Offline chupacabra

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jet kit question
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2006, 10:27:00 PM »
Do you know what size jets are in there stock?
Mine had 98's in one and four and 100's in two and three.
I just bought two size 100's and put them in one and four.
Drilled the a/f caps, (#1 was closed, #2 was 1.7 turns out, #3 was 1 turn out, and #4 was .5 turn out) adjusted all the same about 2.25 turns out.
Radio Shacks shims helped starts at slow speed.
I got a K&N for x-mas one year and a V/H advance for my b-day some time after that.
The advance seemed too smooth out and give better feel at higher revs.
Jets cost about $8 each and K&N about $50.
Next time I pull my carbs I may try putting size 101's in #two and three.
I have a Holesot can and 50 tooth rear sprocket. I can just hit rev cut off in 6th gear.Speedo reads about 138mph.
Dave . . . San Diego, California
1996 GSF600S Marble Italian Red
I bought new in sept of 95
D.I.D. 530ZVM gold x-ring chain
Pirelli Diablo 120/60F & Strada 160/60R
Progressive fork springs
H.S. HD rear axle nut & washer
Hole Shot 17" comp1 can