Author Topic: Micron Jet Kit  (Read 4161 times)

Offline mattydefran

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Micron Jet Kit
« on: September 14, 2005, 01:23:31 PM »
Anyone have any experience with the Micron Jet kit?

Are they just repackaging someone elses kit with their name on it or what?
Seems to me like they probably wouldn't offer the instructions or customer service that IVAN or HOLESHOT would. I just emailed them for the price I would like to compare.
Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills up first

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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 01:49:56 PM »
I would play it safe and use something tried and true, Dale's or Ivans.  I haven't seen any posts on the micron system, it might just be a copy.  The other large mfg who offers jet kits is Dyno Jet and I've heard of lots of problems with those.  Pulling carbs is not a fun job and you really only want to do it once.  With Dales and Ivans, its a package deal.  Plus you can call them direct if you have problems.

Offline mattydefran

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 02:31:51 PM »
I received and e-mail Back from Micron and they don't even offer a kit for the Bandit so I guess that takes care of that.

I am pretty sure I am gonna go with IVAN'S kit. seems like that makes the most sense. Although The holeshot stage 1 kit comes with the timing advancer which I fancy. the Ivan kit seems like it has a little more stuff in it. both are priced the same.  

Anyone have any suggestions IVAN Vs. Holeshot stage 1 pluses and minuses anyone work with both kits? find anything better or worse with one or the other.

Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills up first

2004 Bandit 1200S
1980 GS850L (Project)
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Offline PaulVS

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2005, 02:59:02 PM »
I have Ivan's kit.  

I did a TON of research before buying it.  I had narrowed it down to Holeshot (Dale is great for support) Ivan's (Heard it's the most 'plug 'n play') and Factory Pro (Makes very professional product.)

I really don't think you could go wrong with any of those three.  

I went with Ivan's because I never heard of anyone who needed to do ANY tweaking once it was installed.  Holeshot was a very close second, but I would have had to pay for an advancer with his kit, and I heard from some people it required some fiddling to get it dialed-in perfectly.

Since I'm a mechanical hack... I sent my carbs to Ivan.  He checked the carbs, float level, installed the new jet kit, and put the allen-head screws in the float bowls for $70.

When I got them back, I just hooked 'em up and the bike ran like greased lightning from idle to redline.  No flat spots, no problems whatsoever.  In conjunction with my Yosh RS-1, the bike is flat-out scary fast.  

The only thing I really need to do is to sync the carbs, but I'm guessing they're pretty spot-on as-is.

Offline mattydefran

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2005, 06:19:09 PM »
Thanks for the Input. Looks like Ivan's it is. Although the offer to just send Ivan the Carbs seems very tempting. I think the most work out of the whole deal is getting the damn carbs off, so I think once that is done I will do the kit myself with the Help of the instructions, and my Haynes manual. I am sure I will have to make at least one call to Ivan so I will do it during buisness hours  :duh:

Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills up first

2004 Bandit 1200S
1980 GS850L (Project)
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Offline PaulVS

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2005, 06:33:10 PM »
It's probably apparent... but I guess I should clarify that the $70 was in addition to the cost of the jet kit.  (But that's about what I would have spent on an advancer, anyway.)

Just take your time with the carbs.  Make sure you take off all 3 cables.  (2 throttle, 1 choke) The bottom throttle cable is the only one that's difficult, so plan on some time and thought on that one.

After you loosen the 8 hose clamps, pull the airbox back as far as you can.  The carbs should then easily slide out with just some gentle wiggling at that point.

Offline mattydefran

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2005, 08:03:57 AM »
Thanks for the tip!!!!! I have taken carbs off and rebuilt them on older bikes and snowmobiles and stuff but this will be the first with the two throttle cables one for on and one for release. I am pretty patient so I will just set aside a whole day to do it. I would do it over the winter while I have it stored in my shed, but then I wouldn't be able to ride so I think I am going to do it just before I take it out next spring.   :motorsmile:
Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills up first

2004 Bandit 1200S
1980 GS850L (Project)
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Offline Bazza

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2005, 02:05:46 AM »
Hey Matty:

I will give Ivan's kit a nod also.

I have one in mine with a yosh slip on, and I did have to do a little tweeking due to our climate here, but otherwise, she runs great.

Offline mattydefran

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2005, 12:20:18 PM »
Just wanted to update. I went against my original plan and I bought Ivan's kit and Installed it a few weeks ago. I am very pleased with the outcome.

My only gripe is how sensative the bike is to weather change. It is getting colder up here in Vt. now, and since it has gotten colder I have noticed the bike is running lean and doesn't have the snap that it had in the warmer weather. I plan on leaving the current settings alone since it appeared to be running perfect in the warm weather we had a few weeks ago. I don't mind giving up a few ponies toward the winter time it is to cold to go fast anyhow.
Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills up first

2004 Bandit 1200S
1980 GS850L (Project)
1997 RM 250
1985 Madura 1200 (Scored a Freebie)

Offline 2005B12S

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2005, 04:29:07 PM »
Same problem here- had mine dialed in for 95 degree summer Texas weather. Took it out the other day after a front passed thru at 65 degrees and she was very lean on the needle.

I would change jetting according to temp- I will not run the bike lean to the point where it is stumbling. You are better off borderline rich, at least you are not going to burn something up.

I was surprised at how temp sensative Ivan's kit is. I have a DJ kit in my 750- 34 Mikuni flatslides- for 20 years. The bike is in a very high state of tune and is not this sensative to temp changes. I may buy Dales Stage2/pod kit for comparison.

Good Luck, Ed.
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Offline FrankB12

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Micron Jet Kit
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2005, 09:44:13 AM »
Hey Guys,

Call Ivan if you're having problems with his kit.  I can tell you from personal experience that mine was running lean (took a long time to rev 5,000 rpm to redline), but the low to mid-range throttle response was fine.

The problem?  Those long Mikuni springs were not properly aligned when I reassembled the carbs.  It is very easy to do.  The slides weren't opening up properly.  

Once I fixed this, the bike runs awesome.  

Even if it's not the same problem, he is very willing to help out over the phone.
2003 Silver Bandit 1200S, JE 1216, GSXR cams, ported, Yosh RS-3 slip on
1992 Red Seca II