Author Topic: Mikuni BST36SS Jet part numbers  (Read 9048 times)

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS Jet part numbers
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:11:50 AM »
I apologize if this has been ask and answered.  I have been all over the net, and it seems to be this biggest secret since who came first the chicken or the egg, and it is driving me nuts.  I know there are Jetting kits out there, but these guys want 100 plus bucks, and I spent my limit for the next 6 months on exhaust and other upgrades.  But please somebody tell me the part numbers for the Mikuni Main jet, pilot jet and needles.  For the last three days my 99 Bandit 1200s has been sick and in need of re-jetting.  

I have a Yosh R3 bolt on and K&N (needless to say these have effected my bike greatly)  :crybaby: I have asked suduko, my local dealer, and even tried looking up the information on the net...(which believe it or not told me the sizes but no part number, or sent me to adultfriend finder to see a bimbo sitting on a bandit, it was nice but not what I was looking for).  My bike is my only mode of transportation and I work and go to school, I can't break down the carbs just to look at the ones that are in there, and then break it down again to install (I was in the navy no need to do extra when you can do it all at once).  I am guessing that the main jet is N100.604 but the rest is a loss.  Please help me.  If it will cause a conspiracy to post it public....please send it private.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline solman

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Mikuni BST36SS Jet part numbers
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 02:51:30 AM »
I know that this may not be the answer that you are looking for, but get rid of the K&N filter.  In most of the reading that I have done, K&N's for Bandits don't work too well in a stock airbox application.  A couple of things that would help would be to drill out the plugs for the air/fuel mixture.  Be very careful when doing this!  Second thing that people do is buy the small thin washers from Radio Shack and shim the needle.  I know that some people go this route with success.  I personally just bought the jet kit and got everything I needed, plus support.  Also you may want to fill in your location.  You may find someone close by to help out.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS Jet part numbers
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 11:47:44 AM »
Thank you for the advise, but I have seen on here where people have replaced their stock exhaust and filter and shimmed the needles, then it turned out that they needed to rejet anyway.  I only have one day a week to break it all down and do it, and I would rather go ahead and just take care of it the first time.  I know how to do it, I just need the Mikuni part numbers so that I can go ahead and get my bike back to the smoothness is was.  Again don't get me wrong, I agree with just getting a kit, but I am limited on funds, and I have a tuition to pay along with all the other stuff.  When i look at the pictures of kits, all I have noticed was a change of screws (i.e. phillips to allen) and I have those part numbers, then a change of Main and pilot jets, and needles are changed to adjustable.  I can order those parts for about 40 bucks.  Again thank you but I need part numbers if anyone has them.  I will find them eventually (pending several days of calling and emailing) but I was trying to get it to where I can do it on Tuesday.

Still on the hunt.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline Red01

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Mikuni BST36SS Jet part numbers
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2006, 01:25:30 PM »
The "no K&N" advise applies to the panel filters for the 2nd Generation B12 (and B6). They are perfectly acceptable to use on a 1G when you're adding a can and rejetting.

The best advise I can offer you for rejetting without a kit is this link:

It doesn't have the p/n's, but your friendly Mikuni dealer should be able to help you out with the right parts if you give him the carb model and size(s) you want.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Asphalt

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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2006, 03:58:57 PM »
Alright, I have the part numbers for the Mikuni BST36SS.  It took a lot to do it, but I have them.....the actual Part numbers.....

Also, I have discovered that the aftermerket jet needles over time have a tendency to wear out the hole, because they are harder than the OEM...Shimming the OEM Needles supposedly the best Idea in the long run.

 :banana:  :monkeymoon:

I have cracked the conspiracy..

Thanks for the advise Red1 and Soloman
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)