Author Topic: Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...  (Read 12595 times)

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« on: September 22, 2006, 04:12:05 PM »
Ok here it goes, and since this thing was such a secret, and a pain in the butt to find these things out, I am just going to say that I know what they are.  Mind you I have absolutely nothing against Jet kits.  Concidering the foot work I had to go through to get my hands around this information, my hats off to them....Dale....Ivan.

If you are like me, and when you get a bike, car, computer...what ever, and ylu like to learn as much as you can about your toy and do it all yourself, then send me a message and I will send you the part numbers....Mind you these numbers are for a 99 Bandit 1200, I absolutely refuse to research the other ones, this thing took forever.  Also if you cannot do it yourself with just the manual, the I definitely suggest getting a kit, you get instructions, help, and most if not all your bases are covered.  

I swear this think is more secretive than who shot kennedy.......I guess I shouldn't even be posting this....could make myself a target for assasination.  :lol:

2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline RUSS M8

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 07:16:41 AM »
I wonder why it is such a sectret?  Are Mikuni trying to get people to buy jet kits!!!  :lol:

Would be interesting to see what jetting changes you end up making, I have a gen 1 B12 aswell, it has a Yoshi pipe at the moment, and I am looking to fit a K & N, but I think it would then be way to lean.  I was thinking of just raising the needle 1 or 2 positions, if that san be done.
That's impressive,
and I'm not easily impressed.

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Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2006, 05:16:08 PM »
You can shim the needles no problem, I have even heard that it words nicely. but I have also heard that most people end up rejetting anyway. This website is really good for upgrade infor mation and also  if you haven't been there yet it is a nice one to take a look at.

I will keep updates on how the rejetting goes right now I am just waiting for them to get here, I am going to clean the carbs too while I am at it.  I know that just stock, the front wheel liked to be airborne, I am hopeing to get it back to the way it was.

Its not Mikuni that is making it a secret, they just only deal with dealers or mechanics, not backyard mechs like me.  Plus companies like sizuki and kawasaki, and a few others put their own signature parts into the bikes as well, so you have to sift through all the different types of jets for one carb.  Too many similarities.[/url]
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline RUSS M8

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 05:31:50 AM »
Sounds interesting Asphalt.  Will be very interested in how you go with re jetting.  You have only a slip on and K & N on yours?  And what is the problem with standard jetting?
Thanks heaps!
That's impressive,
and I'm not easily impressed.

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Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2006, 06:46:55 PM »
I am running lean, losing power and the morning starts are hell.  Well worse than when I was running these stock items.  I have heard that Bandits are cold blodded anyway, and it is a good idea to rejet due to this fact.  So I am going to see what happens.  Worse case scenario, I put it all in and do the adjustments, and it doesn't help.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 02:11:22 PM »
I have installed my carbs with the new jets and settings.  And I dropped two shims per needle.  So I raised them and extra .05 from stock.  And turned the A/F Mixture 2.75 turns.  I am going out to test, and see if anyof this makes a difference.  If all goes well I am going to have it Dynoed.  I also removed the snorkle.....(I heard it helps) but I don't know if I am going to do the 2 inch mod.  I heard it is not much of a help if you remove the snorkle.

I know this much, not having the luxury of a garage sucks.  I live in an apartment, and by the time I finished Changing the Jets, shim the needles, and changes the screws to allen screws it was dark, and so I had to hide my fairings and hardware in my truck until morning.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline RUSS M8

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2006, 07:57:05 AM »
Yeah, not having a garage would suck...

You find it hard to get the carbs in/out?

Hope it runs heaps better now  :grin:
That's impressive,
and I'm not easily impressed.

Look, a blue car!

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2006, 12:11:25 PM »
Actually getting the carbs out wasn't as hard as I though it would be.  Neither was shimming the needles, or replacing the jets.  I measured the float bowls and cleaned the carbs.  The reason it took long was because I was taking my time and watching TV at the same time.....first time doing this.  All in all it was worth the time.  Not to mention the mod only cost me 70 bucks total.  this includes the Filter, jets, allen screws, and shims.  I didn't want to change the needles because I have heard that the needles that come with jet kits are harder than the stock and have a tendency to wear out the hole.

To the goose, goes the gander.  My bike runs VERY nice...there are a couple of fall backs, stills pops when I let off the throttle while in gear so it is still a little lean, and the first morning start dies even with the choke on, (it didn't do that before).  I have seen on here where people have shimmed up to .20 and I only added .05 so i am adding another shim an/or taking the A/F from 2.75 up a quater turn to 3.  I don't mind the popping all that much but I want to richen it up a little.  If anyone has any suggestions by all means...but from what I gather reading all the posts on jet kits and the clymer manual, that little tweak would do the trick.

My roommate and I raced back from college this morning, and the bandit definitle pulled its weight against her GSX-r 1000.  So I have had a nice little gain on it.  Before I was doing good just to pace her from take its a different story...
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline RUSS M8

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 07:44:00 AM »
Good to hear  :grin:

And way to show the new poofy Gixxer  :grin:

Yeah, 3 turns out is no problem, should be safe and effective to go to about 3.5 turns.  Any more than that you need richer pilot jets...
That's impressive,
and I'm not easily impressed.

Look, a blue car!

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2006, 10:11:39 PM »
Alrighty, 3.10 turns and no extra shims......its nice, smooth and it will DEFINITELY get up and go.  I like the results.  Still a little popping going on when I let off of the throttle, but I think the Dyno will show if anything needs more adjusting.  Plus in the morning when I get up to go to class, will be another test.  (Still waiting on the cold bloodedness to go away like everyone says it does with rejetting).  I know that in 2nd gear going from 20 to 60 takes 2.5 seconds and from take off I can get to 60 in 3.5  I dont know if that is good or not, but it was just nice to beable to goose it and not feel any flat spots or bogging down.
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline RUSS M8

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2006, 07:51:50 AM »
Sounds good  :grin:
How far did you go with the jetting; as in how many sizes richer did you go?
That's impressive,
and I'm not easily impressed.

Look, a blue car!

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2006, 05:40:22 PM »
127.5 Main jet 35 on the Pilot jet.  I used the guide on fast larry's page and it all turned out very nice.  Although the A/F screw should be 3 to 3.25 turns.  Like I said I get a little popping stil but it turned out nice.  My cold whether start ups are nice (Usually 3 to 5 seconds on the choke just to get it started)  The I let is run for 20 secs and off I go.  On morning I was late for class and I took off as soon as I took the choke off and it did just was about 37 degrees here.

Jet part number: BS30
Main part numbers: 100/604
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)

Offline Asphalt

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Mikuni BST36SS main and pilot jet part numbers found...
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2006, 04:04:31 PM »
I ordered my jets from Motorcycle Carbs, and picked up my K&N at the local bike shop....could have saved a few bucks by ordering online...but no worries.  Shims I picked up at radio shack for a buck fifty.  Was a good deal for the do it your selfers.....about 70 bucks total, and if you have a manual, (I have the clymer manual you have all the assisance you need).  There is also a Mikuni Calculator you can order for 4 bucks and many people on here say that it is a life saver..
2006 Hayabusa....AKA (Bandit on Steriods)