Author Topic: Modification Suggestions  (Read 3686 times)

Offline BDO

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Modification Suggestions
« on: July 29, 2008, 02:13:12 PM »
I'm getting ready to take the next step on my '01 B12 and am looking at the following set-up.  I wondered if you guys would take a peek and give me your opinions.  I decided to go with Dale Walker's products:

Holeshot 14" Comp 2 Slip-On
Stage 2 AirBox Jet Kit (does this retain the snorkel?)
5 degree advancer

I also have a GSXR intake cam, but I wonder if I'm going to want to change the front/rear sprockets to keep that low end pull?

I thought about going to the pods (Dale refers to this as the Stage 2 Jet opposed to the Stage 2 AirBox Jet Kit that I'm considering..) but I'm worried about my lack of tuning experience, rain, etc. to run the pods successfully.

Anyway, what do you guys think?

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 03:14:11 PM »
The Holeshot Stage 2 Airbox kit does NOT retain the snorkel.  It replaces the entire airbox cover (the piece the snorkel resides in) with a plate that simply holds an OEM style K&N filter in place.

I've been running the Stage 2 pod kit since '01 and have no experience with the S2-AB kit, but I just followed Dale's instructions and it's been running great for >45K miles.  I'm guessing it's no harder/easier to do than the AB kit - other than putting the airbox back in. 
Having wrestled the OEM airbox out, I'm just glad I didn't have to wrestle it back in.  :rofl:

If you're happy with your gearing now, I'd say leave it alone until after your proposed mods and then make a decision.
Personally, I think the extra ~20 hp will make up for it - and then some.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 03:26:24 PM »
Thanks Red01.  I appreciate the feedback.

I keep going back and forth with going to pods or just the AB kit.  My only concerns are what I read on various forums:
1. The pods may be more finicky or picky when fine-tuning
2. You really can't snap the throttle and expect the bike to jump like it does with stock jetting...I've heard you have to sort of roll on the throttle a bit more.  I like to be able to twist the throttle and have immediate response.

I don't know if any of this is true...just regurgitating what I've read.  Personally, I think the pods look great, we know they result in a few more hp, and I love the idea of not having to mess with the airbox every time I want to do something with the carbs.  I guess I'm just worried about spending a month trying to get it dialed in. 

In addition, I might add that I live in Denver and take rides that are well over 10,000 ft. in elevation...

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 05:19:24 PM »
 :headscratch: My bike is even snappier than it was stock.  The only time I've heard of them loosing "snappiness" is if you put in both GSXR cams, then you'll loose a little snap at lower RPM, but it really screams in the top 1/2.  In that case, some folks return snappiness back by dropping a tooth up front OR adding 2-3 in the back.

Being as high as you are, you'll have to go leaner with either kit (or any kit, for that matter).  That said, mine has run fine with sea level jetting (where I live) up to 6000' range.  At 6000' you can feel it's a tad rich, but I don't spend enough time up there to rejet.

I agree with the looks of the pods, but on the 2G B12, you can't see them anyway - unless you modify the side covers. Some have modified their covers to show them off, but I haven't seen this done well enough that I'd want to make the change.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 05:27:40 PM »
Thanks again Paul (does it seem like I'm trying to get somebody to talk me into the pods?!  :grin:)  I do seem to remember some discussion about having both cams, but I only plan on the intake.  I think the whole process should be fun so I'll probably go for it.   

I personally don't like the looks of the stock side covers and I think if anybody came up with a nice looking after market alternative they could probably make a few $.

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 05:42:31 PM »
I personally don't like the looks of the stock side covers and I think if anybody came up with a nice looking after market alternative they could probably make a few $.

I've been curious to know if the 1250's tail section bodywork will easily adapt to the 2G bikes... looks similar enough that it might work, and then you could get rid of the side covers and not distrub the lines.

The plus side to keeping the 2G covers with pods, besides the stealth factor, is it shelters them from rain, which can be a problem on the pods when used out in the open, like the 1G bikes.  I've only had one occasion in all these years and miles where rain affected performance and it was when I was stuck in a torrential downpour for hours.  After an hour or so, the bike would stutter a bit if you whacked the throttle from cruise.  I'm guessing that's cuz it was sucking water out of the filters and once it cleared, it would be OK until they got good and soaked again.  More "normal" rain never bothered the bike though.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline BDO

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Re: Modification Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 08:54:55 PM »
That's good information to hear...makes my decision a bit easier too  :thanks: