Author Topic: Motion Pro Permenant Hose Vacum Adapters for B 1200 Carbs  (Read 3036 times)

Offline Dave 02 1200

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Motion Pro Permenant Hose Vacum Adapters for B 1200 Carbs
« on: April 20, 2006, 03:55:54 PM »
I have been looking at Motion Pro brand Permenant Hose Adaptors which are to be permenantly installed in place of the existing brass vacum spigots to make it easier to sync the carbs.  They claim that the Suzuki uses 5 mm threaded adaptors.  Does anyone know if the existing brass vacum spigots on my 02 Bandit 1200 are threaded into the carb body or are they pressed into place?  I have been reluctant to attempt removal to see for myself.  Has anyone used this product? If so, what did you think?
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Motion Pro Permenant Hose Vacum Adapters for B 1200 Carbs
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2006, 02:45:44 PM »
I'm not familiar with the product or what they charge, but why not just buy some vacuum hose, 4 caps and a tee and whip up your own. There's capped nipples on the vacuum ports of carbs 1-3 already and the #4 port is used to operate the petcock (which is what you'd need the tee for).
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Offline ray nielsen

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Motion Pro Permenant Hose Vacum Adapters for B 1200 Carbs
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2006, 10:00:59 PM »
I've used high temp tubing from the 1-2-3 cylinders and brought them out on the right side of the bike and capped them.  I used cable ties around the ends near the carbs to be sure they wouldn't come loose.  I cut each one to a different length so I would know which cylinder they came from.

I recommend NOT using the rubber hoses as they're too large in diamer and they'll foul the linkage for the enrichener mechanism --  I know I've tried them.

Smaller diameter high temperature tubing works well and doesn't foul the linkage for the enricheners.