Author Topic: need help ASAP!!!!  (Read 4946 times)

Offline bnrboy775

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need help ASAP!!!!
« on: September 19, 2006, 12:55:56 AM »
Okay guys.... my bike is leaking a ton of gas.... and i can figure out from where... ill start at the begining of the story... i was riding home the other day and started to run out of gas so i switched it over to the reserve tank and kept on driving... came to a stop and when i started to go again it was running really rough and would barely go... sputtering and stuff... so when i got home it was still barely idling... like maybe 500 rpms... i just shut it off and then a couple days later started noticing small spots of gas on the ground below it... right below the tranny and exhaust... now today i go to ride it and its doing the same thing... i'm thinking that it was just bad gas at the bottom of the tank and so i go to the gas station and fill it up... get about 2 miles from the gas station and come to a stop and she dies... i go back home after about 6 or 7 miles of crappy idleing and acceleration and 3 times of dying i finally get it there. So i get into my car and leave, when i came back home tonight there is a huge puddle of gas underneath it (sitting for approx 9 hours the puddle reaches from the front tire to the back tire with a steady drip off the bottom of the exhaust where the header meets the midpipe. I can see where it has leaked and dripped off of the closest carb to the rear brake pedal side of the motor and on to the alternator and tranny area... i dont know what to do... i'm losing money with it just sitting there leaking and i have the fuel back on to the regular tank i pulled the cap off the end of the hose down by the rear brake lever and a lot of gas cam about... maybe 4 ounces of it. I tried searching on here cause i know i'm not the only one with this problem but it just comes up with too many posts... please help me... i hope this wont cost too much.... but thanks in advance guys!!!

Offline 2005B12S

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« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 10:26:50 AM »
Here is what I would check:

1. Hopefully you are not in Prime on the petcock
2. Check for a stuck float in one of the carbs
3. Petcock could be faulty

My money would be on #1 or #2

Good Luck, Ed.
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Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 01:55:42 PM »
how do i check for a stuck float????

Offline andrewsw

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« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 02:03:14 PM »
you may also have picked up some bits of rust or other debris from the bottom of the tank when on reserve. this can get stuck in the float needle and prop it open causing gas to flow continuously. YOu'll have to pull the carbs and take off the float bowls to check this. This is also how you'd check for a stuck float.

Also, you're petcock may be bad and the vacuum operation of it may be failing causing it to stay open all the time.  You can check this by disconnecting the fuel line from the petcock. There should be no fuel running from the petcock unless there is vacuum on the other line leading from the petcock. If there is fuel running from the petcock, you've likely got something wrong in there and may have to replace it.

this is all based on my experience with B4's, so ymmv.

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 03:17:02 PM »
so in order to pull the carbs i would have to take the gas tank off... and then pull the carbs... i dont want to screw anything up on this bike... does anyone know where i can get info on how to work on it... its a 99 bandit 600

Offline andrewsw

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« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 03:48:21 PM »
yes, tank off, check the petcock, airbox off carbs off. pay attention to the cable/hose/wiring routing as you go so you can get it back right. Its not complicated, but can be physically difficult sometimes (especially pulling and reinstalling  the carbs). Just take your time and you should be able to do it.

There is a thread in Members Only with copies of the manuals

good luck

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 07:32:25 PM »
okay i checked it all out and there was some dirt in the carb by the needle... got the cleaned and then put it all back togetther.... no leak but my bike will now not start... took out the air filter and it runs just fine... i think the filter soaked up the gas and now is causing it not to run or run too rich because it will start fine until it warms up and then idles bad and wont start again.. does that sound logical??

Offline andrewsw

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« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2006, 07:47:11 PM »
well, it might cause it to run poorly for a little while, but I'd think the gas would clear out pretty quickly. You're saying it won't start with the filter in, but will run once its started if youput the filter back in? I'm confused by what you're saying here. please describe the problem more clearly.

If it runs well without the filter but poorly with it, then yes, its running rich. This may mean several things: you didn't really solve the problem, just made it a little better -- are you sure you got all the dirt out of the float needle?; you messed something else up in the process of cleaning the float bowls -- perhaps you've mis-aligned a float? float level can be pretty critical on some bikes.

If you can get it started with the filter in, what does it do when you rev it? Can you make some test runs to see if the problem is just at or near idle versus revving under load?

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2006, 09:00:17 PM »
okay here is what is happening.... i can start the bike with or without the filter in.. and it will run rough but  will idle... but once i get it above 2 grand RPM's it runs just fine... then it will idle for a while with no choke . there is also smoke coming out of the exhaust and then once it warms up it will die and i cant start it again until it has cooled down.. does that help a little bit more in exlaining what is happening??

Offline snofrog

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« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2006, 09:17:03 PM »
please go check your oil  for me make sure it isnt way to high
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2006, 10:29:09 PM »
yes the oil is too high... but it wasnt before all this happened... is there some way for the gas to mix into the oil at all???

Offline snofrog

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« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2006, 11:04:09 PM »
dirty needle and seat cause fuel to overflow float bowls running into cylinders  past the rings and into the case .stop running it till you get it changed .first if your fuel valve was working properly fuel wouldnt be running to your carbs when it is shut off unless it is in the prime position wich it shouldn`t be .second one or more of these either your floats are to high or your needle/seat (1 or more ) are just dirty or worn out
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2006, 02:07:10 AM »
so what do i do about the fuel valve?? do i have to get a new one? or can i just fix it somehow... i thinking i'm just gonna drain the out of it for now and then when i get some money install a jet kit and a k & n air filter .. of course that is after i get this stuff fixed...

Offline andrewsw

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« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2006, 12:43:27 PM »
good call snofrog!  :banana:  :beers:

Offline PitterB4

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« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2006, 02:06:31 PM »
OMG, I was almost out of breath reading this thinking... "c'mon... someone tell him to check his oil.... please someone tell him to check his oil!!"  

Also, the reason it was hard to start the first time afterwards was that at least one cylinder was full of fuel and you were hydrolocked.  

I don't know if the bigger B valves are rebuildable.  Do a search for "petcock".  You may find the answer here.
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