Author Topic: New '01 B12 owner  (Read 3613 times)

Offline PantheonTyphon

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New '01 B12 owner
« on: August 14, 2006, 10:33:35 PM »
Just saying hi to everyone. I previously owned an '02 b6 and found this site a useful tool for some questions. Had to sell it due to... life, but i've found myself back w/ a bigger, badder bandit. Just bought it a few days ago and i've got a couple questions.

1. Mileage: Dealer said that the only performance mod was a yosh pipe, but it just feels like its got more. Anyways, the mileage seems to be poor, in a couple days i'll post some exact numbers. Im guessing the previous owner may have changed the jetting allowing more fuel into the carb?

2. Braking: The front brake seems a bit stiff. When i pull the lever in its not smooth, it kinda grabs under moderate braking.

3. Well... i cant think of anything else to complain about. This bike is GREAT. Its got power everywhere in the powerband, it feels solid, and I purchased it for $3,900 out the door w/ tax and licensing included!

Thanks for any input you all can provide. Prepare to see me more often, I'm like a bad rash that just wont go away... Pics and stories to come

Offline wheeliekev

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New '01 B12 owner
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 10:12:43 AM »
if the brakes as you descibe then the pistons in the caliper probably need cleaning, change the fluid as well after you clean it all up  :lol:
02 bandit 1216, wheelie fanatic

Offline PantheonTyphon

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New '01 B12 owner
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2006, 03:44:35 PM »
I hath returned! Well my lil braking problem seems to be solved for now, wow what some wd 40 will do O.o

I've got to filter through some things on these boards but I also noticed that when the bike is at around 1,800 rpm i hear a knock in the engine... the power kinda drops and it makes a knock sound. Anything i gotta worry about?

Offline tannerismyhero

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2006, 01:48:50 AM »
prolly your automatic cam chain tensioner. I have an 01 1200 too. Congrats...the red ones are the fastest :motorsmile:
01 1200s

Offline PantheonTyphon

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New '01 B12 owner
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2006, 03:21:34 PM »
Yea I put it on the dyno and the guy said that since it's red its adding about 30bhp.... :roll:

Thx for the info i'll go check it out

Offline PantheonTyphon

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new question
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2006, 07:17:47 PM »
So I was doing an oil change and about to check the spark plugs when i came across a problem.... I dont have any wrenches that fit the spark plug head. Went to the local bike shop and picked up a wrench that fits it, however its not nearly deep enough, the whole thing just drops in completely. Of course this bike did not come with a tool kit which would make life sooo much easier. So given that, anyone know where i can pick up a toolkit for an 01 bandit 1200?

ps... already checked ebay.

Offline tannerismyhero

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New '01 B12 owner
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2006, 01:55:37 AM »
egh. that is a bitch. try the salvage yards around and see if they have any banditos on the lot and maybe you can find one. Othewise they do pop up on ebay every now and again. The tool kit is $33.56 on bikebandit     (number 9 on the description)
01 1200s

Offline HyperBlue

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Found my B12 tool kit on ebay
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2006, 05:24:59 PM »
I paid about $25 for the stock B12 toolkit off of ebay.  Search for it and then save the search.  Ebay will email you when one is listed.
2004 B12S