Author Topic: new problem  (Read 9027 times)

Offline bnrboy775

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« on: March 16, 2007, 12:52:47 PM »
okay now i have a new problem, i installed dale's kit exactly to the directions. and i rode my bike to work the other day ran wonderful, better then it has ever ran. Well, on my way home it started sputtering and then finally died on me on the side of the road, (ya i had gas, just filled up) i tired restarting it and couldnt get it started... so i got a ride to my house to get my car and a trailer and then went back to pick it up. When i got to the bike it had sat for 30 mins and when i got on it i just tried to see if it would start and it started and ran just fine. So i get it home, unload it and let it sit in the driveway idleing. after about 15 to 20 mins of idleing and started sputtering again and finally died, let it sit for a little bit and then it starts just fine and ran for anohter 10 mins or so and started sputtering and finally died.. whats going on with it?? to me it seems like its running out of gas.. but like i said i have a full tank of gas? what do i need to check to figure out whats wrong with it??
thanks in advance

Offline txbanditrydr

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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 01:23:42 PM »
Pull the tank and double check the vent hose routings/connections.  Make sure nothing is pinched.  Also, check your vacumn lines for any leaks - espeically the one feeding the petcock.
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Offline Red01

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 02:34:07 PM »
Wut Tex sed.  :bigok:
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Offline DaveG

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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 02:56:01 PM »
try running in prime  don't leave it there after you turn it off though.

if the problem is gone then it's your vacuum hose.

Offline Bezzer

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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 05:09:03 PM »
Yep, it ran OK going to work because the fuel overflow was acting as a vent, you filled up and blocked that route so it died.
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Offline Bob Holland

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Re: new problem
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2007, 06:50:37 PM »
Quote from: "bnrboy775"
let it sit in the driveway idleing. after about 15 to 20 mins

Just so you will know, unless you have a big box fan blowing on your engine, that is to long to idle a air/oil cooled engine. The engine will over heat in that length of time. :beers:
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new problem
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2007, 09:59:28 PM »
It happened to me right after I installed Ivan's kit and synchronized the carbs everything was perfect until I drove a few blocks and the carb bowls emptied faster then the pinched fuel line under the gas tank could provide. Waited a few minutes and it would start up again. Although I had tagged everything back to its proper place the fuel line diden't like siting between the tank and frame getting squeezed with a full tank.

Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 11:43:37 PM »
okay so what line did you have pinched.. was it the fuel line going from the fuel cock to the carb.. or was it the long hose that runs down to under the bike?? i havent really had time to mess with it... but  i would like to get it running as it is perfect riding weather here...
I looked at in the other day and couldnt find any lines that were pinched or anything.. i'm thinking that maybe it is my fuel  cock.. maybe it is faulty or something somehow.. how likely is that??
As of right now i can't exactly tell if it is running out of gas in the carbs.. or if it is flooding itself?? how do i tell the difference??

Offline bnrboy775

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Re: new problem
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2007, 11:45:24 PM »
Quote from: "BHolland"
Quote from: "bnrboy775"
let it sit in the driveway idleing. after about 15 to 20 mins

Just so you will know, unless you have a big box fan blowing on your engine, that is to long to idle a air/oil cooled engine. The engine will over heat in that length of time. :beers:

It was rather cool that day.. 50 degrees maybe... maybe the temp has something to do with it messing up... i dunno... i just want it to run i'm so tempted to just take it to a shop and say fix it... but who knows what they will do to and how much i will get charged...

Offline Red01

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« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2007, 11:59:06 PM »
If it's flooding itself you can usually smell the gas.
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Offline bnrboy775

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« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2007, 02:29:11 AM »
nope no gas smell... except for after it sat at work all day...  i honestly think that the fuel cock is messed up on it... cause if i remember when i had it off the bike there was a slow drip of gas coming out of it... i don't know tho... maybe ill replace it just to be safe.. is there any way i can test it to see if it's faulty??
also i guess i should clarify.. i filled up with gas bout halfway of my trip... then to work.. sat for 5 hours... then rode home and died about a third of the way home...

Offline Red01

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« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2007, 12:23:27 PM »
To test the operation of the petcock:
    1. With the engine off, set the petcock in the "ON" position.

    2. Disconnect the fuel supply line from the carb and put the end into a cear, fuel-safe container.

    3. No fuel should come out of the fuel line.

    4. Put the petcock in "RES" position.

    5. No fuel should come out of the fuel line.

    6. Put the petcock in "PRI" position.

    7. You should get a solid, steady stream of fuel out of the fuel line.

    8. Disconnect the petcock vacuum control hose that goes from the #4 carb to the petcock from the #4 carb.

    9. Put the petcock in "ON" position.

    10. Apply vacuum to the hose.

    11. You should get a solid, steady stream of fuel out of the fuel line. It should be the same as in #7 above.

    12. Remove vacuum source.

    13. Fuel should shut off.

    14. Put the petcock in the "RES" position.

    15. Apply vacuum to the hose.

    16. You should get a solid, steady stream of fuel out of the fuel line. It should be the same as in #7 above.

    17. Remove vacuum source.

    18. Fuel should shut off.

    19. Restore the fuel supply and vacuum hoses.[/list]

    If you get fuel out when you're supposed to, but the stream is not steady, or is weak, their may be contamination around the petcock filter/pickups. To check for this, remove the petcock and look at it. Of course, to do this, be sure the tank is either empty or upside-down.
    2001 GSF1200S
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    Offline bnrboy775

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    « Reply #12 on: March 23, 2007, 11:02:17 PM »
    what about seafoam?? do you think after i check the petcock and figure out if that is the problem should i run some seafoam though it to clean up the carbs?? or is there something else that is better to use on bikes?

    Offline Red01

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    « Reply #13 on: March 24, 2007, 09:44:06 AM »
    Seafoam =  :bigok:
    2001 GSF1200S
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    Offline bnrboy775

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    « Reply #14 on: March 25, 2007, 04:16:45 PM »
    okay so i checked the petcock... it is bad... constantly a slow trickle of gas coming out of it on reserve and on... so i am going to replace it... after i drained the tank and pulled the petcock off there is a small amount of rust in the tank around where the petcock attaches.. what should i do about that??