Author Topic: Oil drain plug size ?  (Read 7273 times)

Offline Raphy

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Oil drain plug size ?
« on: June 28, 2007, 10:35:59 AM »
I'm trying to find this info but I'm having some problems. I have a 2005 Bandit 650 (yes, gen 3 bandit, not the 600 :annoy: )

I'm thinking about putting either the Fumoto valve plug or the Fram SureDrain plug for the oil plug, but I'm a little confused about sizing....

I know that vlad (on this site) got one and he got the M14 - 1.25 size. However, I contacted Fumoto and they said all Suzuki's have M14 - 1.5 size.

Is there an online source for this info? or maybe another bandit 650 owner that is in the middle of an oil change ? (fat chance, i know...)

I'd like to know the size before i do the next oil change - i know the best way would be to unplug it and check, but i think you see my dilemma....

ALSO - do all suzuki drain plugs have magnets? I don't ever recall the manual saying to clean any shavings off the pulg or even mention magnetic plug... any thoughts ???


2005 Suzuki Bandit 650 S
2000 Honda Shadow 750 ACE (the ex)

Offline Vlad

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Re: Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2007, 01:23:44 PM »
Quote from: "Raphy"

I'm thinking about putting either the Fumoto valve plug or the Fram SureDrain plug for the oil plug, but I'm a little confused about sizing....

I suggest to find a store that has both sizes of Fram (I don't know of any store that carries Fumoto) and will allow you to return the one that doesn't fit. Never had a problem returning stuff to Canadian Tire, and they had Fram in stock...

To the best of my knowledge 14x1.25 is the right thread size, but Suzuki may have changed it for your model.

As for the magnet, I wouldn't read too much into it. If your engine sheds so much steel (aluminum, brass, stainless steel and other non-magnetic metals will not stick anyway) and it manages to pass the filter you have a problem that cannot be solved with a magnet. If it makes you feel better, stick a strong magnet to your oil filter.
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides

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Re: Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 02:53:28 PM »
Quote from: "vlad"
Quote from: "Raphy"

I'm thinking about putting either the Fumoto valve plug or the Fram SureDrain plug for the oil plug, but I'm a little confused about sizing....

I suggest to find a store that has both sizes of Fram (I don't know of any store that carries Fumoto) and will allow you to return the one that doesn't fit. Never had a problem returning stuff to Canadian Tire, and they had Fram in stock... noone has it.

To the best of my knowledge 14x1.25 is the right thread size, but Suzuki may have changed it for your model.

As for the magnet, I wouldn't read too much into it. If your engine sheds so much steel (aluminum, brass, stainless steel and other non-magnetic metals will not stick anyway) and it manages to pass the filter you have a problem that cannot be solved with a magnet. If it makes you feel better, stick a strong magnet to your oil filter.

Thanks Vlad - It seems that i will be getting the FUMOTO one... I can't find the FRAM anywhere local (i did find it on ebay tho)... I called Carquest, PartSource, Canadian Tire, NAPA, etc etc... I know CT used to carry it, but they checked for me (several stores) and they don't carry it anymore...

ALSO - the Fram only comes in M14-1.5 and they don't have one for the 1.25... i know FUMOTO has both, so i REALLY need to know the correct size. I even called two Suzuki dealerships and they couldn't tell me - which i thought was pretty rediculous... I also looked in the manual and it doesn't say it there either.

Looks like i might have to take out the actual plug, but i would have liked to have the Valve plug ready for the next oil change... we'll see if i get any help form the pros here...

thanks for your reply/suggestions

2005 Suzuki Bandit 650 S
2000 Honda Shadow 750 ACE (the ex)

Offline Bezzer

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Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2007, 03:18:01 PM »
Oil drain on my K4 1200 is M14x1.25, a mate's '98 600 is also M14x1.25 would think the others including yours was the same.
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Offline Vlad

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Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 04:48:48 PM »
Check the microfiche just in case:
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides

Offline Raphy

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Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2007, 05:01:28 PM »
Quote from: "vlad"
Check the microfiche just in case:

Thanks Vlad - but all it gives is the part number... and also it's for K1 to K4 bikes... i have a K5...

i'm just gonna go for it and order the 1.25 (F111 - no nipple) and i hope it works out!

I'm putting my order in right now...


2005 Suzuki Bandit 650 S
2000 Honda Shadow 750 ACE (the ex)

Offline Vlad

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Oil drain plug size ?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2007, 06:10:07 PM »
Quote from: "Raphy"

I'm putting my order in right now...

Best of luck and let us know how it pans out.
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides