Author Topic: oil light on after crash  (Read 6966 times)

Offline Runerx

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oil light on after crash
« on: July 14, 2005, 12:12:47 AM »
I finally have my B6 back. The bike was lowsided and slid into a guard rail after I played dodge the deer.
Now I need to figure out why the oil light won't turn off.
I have a 2000 600 S model. I have run the bike approximately 7 minutes, once right after I dumped it and then again today when they brought it back from the dealer. I was hoping that the oil pump had just sucked some air while the bike was on its side but so far it hasn't reprimed. Any other suggestions on what may have happened that could be causing it to do this?
Where is the sensor/sending unit located and where could i disconnect the wiring to see if the wiring is shorted?
I'm sure I'll have many more questions about this.


DJ - Skin donations to the dirt/pavement gods suck!

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 01:01:49 AM »

This is your right side cover. The bottom picture shows your oil pressure switch. This is what tells your oil light to come on. Unscrew the single wire from the oil switch. If you have a continuity tester or Ohm meter you can put one end to a good ground like a frame bolt or something, the other end to the center of the switch where you just unscrewed the wire. You should have someone crank the bike for about 10 seconds. You should have good continuity before you crank it. Once the engine cranks the switch should show as open. If it doesn't then you have one of two things. Your oil pump is dead, or just the switch is bad so it would never tell the light to turn off. I'm sure if you had NO oil pump you would have heard all kinds of bad engines noises.
There are other things you can do, but this is the easy "test the cheap part" fix. Try it.
 :wink: [/url]
75 Kawi F7 175 / 1975 thru 1982
86 Honda TLM 200 / 1986 thru 2001
96 Suzuki Bandit 600S / June 2005 (still got it)
06 Suzuki V-Strom 650

Offline Oldschooler

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 01:05:05 AM »
Hey Runerx,

Also while you have the wire off of the switch, your oil light should go out even before you try to crank it.
75 Kawi F7 175 / 1975 thru 1982
86 Honda TLM 200 / 1986 thru 2001
96 Suzuki Bandit 600S / June 2005 (still got it)
06 Suzuki V-Strom 650

Offline Runerx

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 01:53:32 AM »
So far there have been no sounds of the evil little gremlins banging round in there like its getting no oil but I'd rather be safe than sorry especially when it could mean a engine.
The bike went down on the right side and the cover  is scratched all to hell so I'll check when I replace the cover. I figure its probabally something giving a false signal but I really dont wanna burn it up right after I get it on the street again.

DJ - Skin donations to the dirt/pavement gods suck!

Offline Runerx

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2005, 02:31:32 AM »
Turned out to be the sensor screw which is located very near to the signal generator cover was grounding out against the damaged cover. Once i removed the cover there was a visible mark where the screw had impacted the cover.
Replacing the cover allowed enough room for the screw to no longer touch and VIOLA!!! no more light.

Thanks for the suggestions.

DJ - Skin donations to the dirt/pavement gods suck!

Offline Oldschooler

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2005, 02:39:18 AM »
Yea, I saw your post on the Max Suzuki BBS. That was a good tip you got there. I didn't even think of the cover being damaged and grounding the oil light. Made sence though since the wire is only a couple of mm away from the case anyway.

Glad you found it. :beers:
75 Kawi F7 175 / 1975 thru 1982
86 Honda TLM 200 / 1986 thru 2001
96 Suzuki Bandit 600S / June 2005 (still got it)
06 Suzuki V-Strom 650

Offline Runerx

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oil light on after crash
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2005, 11:15:04 AM »
Yeah the wealth of knowledge on these sites can save a HUGE amount of diagnosis time especially when you are unsure of exactly how everything works, and where it's mounted. Usually you can find atleast one person who has the answer to your question if not a hundred. :thanks:
The cool thing is the combination of information gave me all the information I needed to tackle this on my own. I had never had the case cover apart so I had no idea what was under there exactly.
thanks to all who helped :beers:

DJ - Skin donations to the dirt/pavement gods suck!