Author Topic: Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install  (Read 2961 times)

Offline ant_129

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Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install
« on: February 05, 2007, 07:50:08 PM »
Hey guys, I installed a jet kit and slip-on about a month ago, holeshot stage 1 and holeshot 21" slip-on.  

Immediately I noticed the smoothness that it provided but I have also noticed other not so good things.

First, I do not seem to have the torque that I had before.  I have mistakenly lifted the front wheel off of the ground when really taking off before.  It does not seem that I can do that now.  Also my fuel mileage has suffered.   Dale made it sound as if I should have gained a few mpg but in fact I have lost about 3 or 4.  

I wanted to wait until after I got a good long ride in before I said anything but I was just curious if anyone was able to notice the gains that the jet kit provided and have lost fuel economy also.  

I pulled the plugs just to see if they looked bad.  Here is a pic of probably the best of the four, (the only one that turned out nice).  Am I running rich?

02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
Holeshot Stage 1 jet kit
Givi engine guards

Offline pmackie

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Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 09:01:53 PM »
A little hard to tell from the picture, but doesn't look rich too me. Since you are making the jetting richer, I would expect a decrease in fuel economy, so that sounds normal.

A lower restriction exhaust tends to give a little more at high revs at the expense of a little less at lower revs, BUT the jet ket should have helped through the low to mid with more correct jetting.

Others with specific experience with this set up should be able to give more relevent advice.
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Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2007, 10:16:12 PM »
Cant speak for Dale's product as I have Ivan's. But we need to see the worst of the 4 plugs to make any assessment. Personally Ivan's kit with Yosh slip-on didn't exactly strike me with HP and torque rapture either. But the dramatic change from lean idle popping and low to mid range hesitation was a great improvement so that I was able to concentrate on using the HP that I do have in a much more controllable and enjoyable fashion.

Offline ant_129

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Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2007, 10:32:34 PM »
Sorry the other pictures I took where too up close and did not focus well, but the other plugs where not that much darker than this one.
02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
Holeshot Stage 1 jet kit
Givi engine guards

Offline Red01

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Post Jet Kit/ Slip-on Install
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 11:09:48 AM »
I lost 3-4 mpg with my Holeshot Stage 2 & 17" Street can, but the butt dyno says everything else improved, ie; HP/TQ across the board and faster to come off the choke when cold.

The angle on your pic isn't very good, the electrode is shadowing the plug and the tip is in the dark.
The porcelin should have a light tan color and the plug should be free of deposits.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS