Author Topic: required chain replacement tools  (Read 6883 times)

Offline tannerismyhero

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required chain replacement tools
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2006, 01:05:57 PM »
yeah, it will include the link in the 110. If you end up buying the chain off the net you can call the customer service line and ask whoever you buy it from. Most will come with the rivet type at the least. Also you can go down to the local bike shop and pick one up for a couple bucks. Or just go down to the shop and buy the chain. If they are a parts unlimited dealer you can get a chain at a reasonable price.
01 1200s

Offline DjVas

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required chain replacement tools
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2006, 06:11:33 PM »
Hey guys!

new member here! just got a 01 B6. How often do you have to change the chain? My B6 has 7100miles... is it time to change the chain? no right?

Offline JayRo

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required chain replacement tools
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2006, 11:19:05 PM »
Remember that cow sucker's bike is a 1996.  Mine is also a gen 1 bike being a 1999, so we both are stock at 110 links.  Your bike is a gen 2 and may be different for some reason. At least that is what it says in the Clymers book.  I think it said something about ABS on the newer bikes and that is why they require 112.  
Didn't you count the links yet? Just count the pins or make it simple and count the sideplates so you don't have to divide by 2. 2 pins = 1 link
If you are still fuzzy on how many links you need, you may want to get a shop to do it for you.  :stickpoke:


Offline JayRo

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required chain replacement tools
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2006, 11:24:30 PM »
Hey guys!

new member here! just got a 01 B6. How often do you have to change the chain? My B6 has 7100miles... is it time to change the chain? no right?

If you have taken care of your chain you shouldn't have to at 7100 miles.  But if you have kinks you can get rid of,  or your chain is pretty stretched out, you may want to think about it.  I got about 12000 miles on the stock O ring chain before I replaced it.


Offline lucas

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chain replacement
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2006, 03:26:17 AM »
From what I understand it is quite possible for a chain to be worn out at 7k. I have 14k on mine and the problem is I can't adjust it correctly anymore. It seems that there is one segment of the chain that is tighter than the rest of the chain. When I adjust the chain it is just right when I adjust it. Then I roll the bike forward a few feet and then the chain is too tight and then I roll the bkie forward a little more and it's too lose and so on and so on. It looks OK, but there are clunking sounds coming from it when I release the clutch.


Offline tannerismyhero

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required chain replacement tools
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2006, 03:00:11 PM »
sounds like its wore out. Here is a little tidbit for when you do replace it
01 1200s