Author Topic: Screwed up my carbs.  (Read 3336 times)

Offline socalbandit

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Screwed up my carbs.
« on: March 05, 2006, 11:35:25 AM »
Got the jet kit for my 98 1200 last week.  Went to put in in yesterday and the new jets were bigger on the top than the stockers.  Checked the thread pitch on both and they looked the same.  So I thought huh they wouldn't send me the wrong stuff.  So I tried to use them.  They went in kinda tight at first then loosened up.  Get the bike back together and it runs fine for a couple minutes then quits and wont restart without full choke and me giving it throttle.  Take the carbs back off.  Try to unscrew the jets and they just spin in place.  I grab onto one and pull it up a bit and try to pry it out.  So the bottom 2 threads of the jet break off in the carb.  How screwed am I?  Can this be fixed?  I remember when I took the jets out and looked down in where they screw into it looked like brass, so maybe that piece is replaceable?  I am going to give Ivan's a call on Monday and hopefully they will help me out.  I would even mail my carbs to him so he can check it out himself. :duh:
1998 Bandit 1200. Corbin gunfighter, Yosh slip on and jet kit, Racetech gold valves and springs, Hella driving lights,  Ohlins soon.

Offline rider123

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Screwed up my carbs.
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 06:03:13 PM »
Was your bike stock before you did the mods? THere wasn't a dynojet kit installed on your bike with the different emulsion tubes? Pipe? More info please? It's possible you ordered, or were sent by mistake, the Second Generation kit which uses much smaller main jets, I think Ivan's uses 112.5 for the second generation. I think first generation uses like 135(anyone?)for a stage 1. WHich jets do you have?

Don't worry, you can replace the emulsion tubes but we need more info on what jet sizes you put in there and any mods that were on the bike. Are you the original owner? It's possible the emulsion tubes were worn and the original owner replaced them with dynojet ones which have different threads. To be honest if the jets didn't screw in there smoothy I would have STOPPED right away and call Ivan. Were your mixture screws already drilled? Any pics?

I just checked, new emulsion tubes(the part the jets screw into) for that bike are only 22 bucks at Are all the tubes phucked? Or just one? Can you screw the old jets in there? What are the sizes of the old jets?

You posted a problem with number 2 cylinder misfiring, is number 2 carb the only one that's phucked? You may have found out the hard way that the emulsion tube was causing the problem.

Also I hate to tell you this, but if the bike ran fine for a couple of minutes then died out it could be that the fuel wasn't hooked up properly or fuel was just not getting to the carbs. If the jetting is wrong you find out pretty much right away. It may have been totally fine(although the jets spinning in the tubes is weird, could be from removing jets) and just needed to be put on prime to get rid of air in the fuel line or not enough vacuum yet to pull the gas through.

A bike that runs fine for a couple of minutes then dies out sounds alot like whatever gas was in the float bowls was used up and was now starved for fuel. It's hard to give you some ideas untill we know more. Sounds like at least one of your emulsion tubes is dead, it may be salvagable I don't know.

Now you need to know which ones you have in there, Stock or Dynojet. Otherwise you have to buy a full set. If you're going with Ivan's I would buy the stock emulsion tubes.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.

Offline socalbandit

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Screwed up my carbs.
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 10:00:00 PM »
Yes the fuel screws were drilled.  I think you may be right about it having different emulsion tubes in it.  I am just really confused because when I held the two jets together to match the threads, they looked the same.  I will chalk this up to a learning expierience.  When I tried to pull one of the jets out it broke a couple of threads off.  How do I get it out?  How do I get the rest out?
1998 Bandit 1200. Corbin gunfighter, Yosh slip on and jet kit, Racetech gold valves and springs, Hella driving lights,  Ohlins soon.

Offline rider123

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Screwed up my carbs.
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 10:12:59 PM »
Well if it was jetted before and the standard Mikuni jets don't work I would wager there was a Dynojet kit in there. Do you have any pics of the emulsion tube with the broken bit in there? You may be able to gently drill out the broken bit and then screw in the old jet to repair the threads. It's brass so it's soft BE VERY CAREFUL!! What might be better is to get the smallest drill bit you can and drill a small hole in the broken piece of thread and then you have a hole in which to create a way to unscrew the broken bit.

For example if there is a small hole there and you have a tapered prescision screwdriver you can tap it in the hole gently untill it bites into the broken material creating basically a flat head then you can unscrew it. I think you can fix it but remember if something doesn't go in smoothly, STOP!! Especially on soft brass fine parts from carburateur's. If you want to keep Ivan's kit you will have to replace all the emulsion tubes($22X4) and replace the broken jet($5) if it's not broken too much, with only the last little bit broken it may have enough threads to screw in no problem.

If the bike was already jetted with a Dynojet kit what was the reason putting in an Ivan's? Was it this #2 cylinder misfire problem you posted? If we can get your bike back to at least running we may be able to help you make it work probably with the Dynojet. You'll have to make a descision either way to keep the Dynojet or Ivan's. Ivan's will cost you $100 but it's a great kit. If you don't want the downtime, put the Dynojet kit badck in there and we'll help you fix it. You didn't drill the airbox a la Ivan's instructions did you?

Because the brass is so soft you may be able to get a tapered drill bit and GENTLY drill away the broken bit in the emulsion tube untill its gone. Just be carefull these carb parts are easy to kill. Use low speed on a drill.

Can you contact the original owner about what was put in there? What jets did Ivan send you?

Also try and keep all the problems in one post so we're not running around trying to find how to help you.  :grin: This is probably easier to fix than you think. If you want to keep the Dynojet you could sell your Ivan's here no problem. If you had a second Gen Ivan's kit I would have bought it. If the emulsion tube gets totally phucked trying to take out the broken bit you might as well just order the stock tubes and install the Ivan's kit.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.