Author Topic: Shims and muzzy install with pics and a question. (Updated)  (Read 8012 times)

Offline snofrog

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Shims and muzzy install with pics and a question. (Updated)
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2006, 10:38:06 PM »
I`m curious as to why you are going through all of this when you could just get a plug and play jet kit ?with airbox mods and all. :stickpoke:
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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yosh ss can
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Offline mklep

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About the shims...
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2006, 12:20:59 AM »
Which shims did you have to shave, the #8, 6, or 4s?  I've been lurking here and at Maximum- Suzuki and have not noticed anyone mention before that they had to reduce the shims before.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm just trying to learn before I crack into my carbs on Monday, and want to have all my parts in order before I start the job.  The shim kit (flat washer kit #64-3022, Radio Shack) I picked up tonight contains #2, #4, #6, #8, and #10s. I think I read elsewhere to use #4s.  The #4 in this kit measured .020 and .2594 o.d. (hair over 1/4").  Does this sound like the right size?

My plan was to start with 3 turns out on the A/F screws, 110 mains, .030-.040 shims on the needles, about  2" hole in the air box and the recently installed Yosh TRS.

Offline rider123

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Shims and muzzy install with pics and a question. (Updated)
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2006, 03:35:40 AM »
Here's from another post, I'll probably post a full explaination with pics if possible it will probably save some people some time and pain.

I concur with what RED01 says. I'm in the middle of fine tuning shimming my carbs and installed a Muzzy slip on system. After removing just the snorkle, shimming the carbs, installing the muzzy and adjusting the screws, my bike constantly wants to wheelie! I think I broke it! Very Happy Even when I just adjusted the super grim stock jetting by the mixture screws it improved the bike alot. I used 1 1mm (.040) shim under my needles and it's running a tad rich on the needle so I'm going to 1 .5mm (.020) shim tomorrow and see if that makes it better. Right now I'm compensating with the pilots for the rich mid-range so I have a bit of popping. I'm hoping dropping the needle then readjusting the pilots back up will make everything hunky dory. My bike ironically ran a little rich from the factory so I'm thinking I only need 1 shim.

You can get the shims you need from Radio Shack(part#?) or a hardware store. You need #4 washers. Be sure when you install them that the needles seat properly. Mark and measure the needle with the stock "donut" and then put a shim between circlip and donut and measure again. Make sure the needle is only lifting what you're shimming. If it lifts more than what you're shimming you need to file down the outer diameter of the shim untill it's the same size of smaller than the circlip.

Total costs:
Muzzy Slip on - $240
Shims: $1.99
Getting rid of grim stock jetting and insta-wheelies: priceless

The sound of the muzzy especially at lower RPM's is not that much louder than stock. In fact, at idle it's slighly quieter as it has a bigger hole to exhaust to. Don't feel you need to keep the horrid stock exhaust. It's heavy and very restrictive. Removing the exhaust and putting on the muzzy probably saved me 15-20 pounds. Trust us it's grim!! If you are concerned with noise than I suggest the Holeshot 21" can. However any at least 17" exhaust like mine and Other, Yoshimura RS-3, Zyclone, etc. Will not be that much louder than stock, it only really gets loud at full throttle acceleration where you probably aren't noticing anyway. Just driving normally around the city is only slightly louder but it's usually a deeper sound so it's hard to notice as much.

If you like you can PM me you're address and I'll send you the proper shims if you're worried about getting the wrong ones.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.

Offline rider123

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Shims and muzzy install with pics and a question. (Updated)
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2006, 03:46:15 AM »
If you use #4 shims in the radio shack pack you should be ok. If you want to keep the airbox stock as an intermediary solution based on my experience this would be a good setup to start with:

1. #4 washer shim (.020) or half a mm
2. Snorkle removed, leave box stock don't drill any additional holes.
3. leave mixture screws at stock or only 1/8th of a turn out at first. Because I shimmed too much I actually had to go a touch LEANER than stock to be correct because of the extra fuel getting in there because of the too thick shim. Do plug checks when full hot and idling for 1 minute this will tell you if you are lean on the pilots, don't turn them too much at first till you feel out whether you need to go out or in.
4. Add your favorite slip on and shake and stir  :grin:
5. Pull a wheelie and scare yourself

The important thing with shimming is to make sure the shim outer diameter is not catching up in the bottom of the slide. To make sure take all the componants out then put in the needle with the nylon donut and seat it at the bottom of the slide where it would sit. Using a magic marker and a ruler mark off a tick at a point you can easily measure. I ticked off at 5mm for example. Then select the amount you want to shim and place it between the circlip and the nylon donut. Then seat the needle again and make sure it's only lifting the amount you selected. Since I used 1mm shims (a touch too much it seems) I made sure that the tick mark I ticked off was lifting to 4mm. I failed to do this the first time and it ended up lifting 2.5 mm! Needless to say it was super rich. I filed down the outer diameter of the plastic shims I used with a dremel to make them just slightly larger or the same as the circlip and it lifted up the proper amount after that (1mm). THis is a fairly easy operation. I also noticed as a side benefit leaving the snorkle out really helped the condensation on the inside of the airbox.

If you have a 2G bandit and want to mod the airbox, drill a 1.5" hole not a 2" hole. And leave snorkle IN.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.

Offline rider123

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Shims and muzzy install with pics and a question. (Updated)
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2006, 07:32:36 PM »
Just installed the .020 shim from Radio Shack. It works perfectly with no shaving the outer diameter. I'll take the bike out tomorrow when I go to work and see how she runs.

I measured the thickness of 2 Radio Shack shims and the "source" shim. The Radio Shack shims are slightly smaller maybe .1 mm so I can go to 2 Radio Shacks if it's a little lean.

Edit: Needle position is pretty much perfect, just a little lean on the pilots. I'll adjust as nessesary. It's also very cool today and very low humidity so it's probably going to need more juice than normal. I'll adjust it in small increments on the pilots and see how it goes, getting closer!

I'm right now just over 3 turns on the pilots and it still a little lean so I may go 2 "Radio Shack" shims instead of one to keep the pilots from turning out too much, its actually getting nice outside so I can finally tune it properly. For fun I'm going to turn the pilots another 1/8th to 1/4 of a turn just to see if it helps a bit. Bit rich on pilots, but slightly lean on needle.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.