Which shims did you have to shave, the #8, 6, or 4s? I've been lurking here and at Maximum- Suzuki and have not noticed anyone mention before that they had to reduce the shims before. Don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to learn before I crack into my carbs on Monday, and want to have all my parts in order before I start the job. The shim kit (flat washer kit #64-3022, Radio Shack) I picked up tonight contains #2, #4, #6, #8, and #10s. I think I read elsewhere to use #4s. The #4 in this kit measured .020 and .2594 o.d. (hair over 1/4"). Does this sound like the right size?
My plan was to start with 3 turns out on the A/F screws, 110 mains, .030-.040 shims on the needles, about 2" hole in the air box and the recently installed Yosh TRS.