Author Topic: Stock "rate" of rear spring on B6  (Read 2718 times)

Offline Jason F.

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Stock "rate" of rear spring on B6
« on: May 23, 2006, 10:34:12 PM »
Anyone happen to know the stock spring rate of the rear spring on the gen one B6?

I am a larger rider and if I were to ever put my wife on the back of the bike I feel we would be stretching the weight limit of the suspension. I have seen a few after market higher rate or progressive springs that are available and was curious if it is common for the larger riders to step up to a little higher rate.

Also how many of you have raised your rear ride height with an adjustable link of a GSXR shock? I hear that is a fairly easy swap. Those of you that have raised the ride height have you had any problem with front end tuck? A local friend and rider cautioned me against raising the rear of the bike and said it can make the front uneasy.

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Offline ratbike05

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Stock "rate" of rear spring on B6
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2006, 01:41:25 PM »
I have a 97 B6 and a big guy.  I put a stock B12 shock on mine and although it did raise the rear a bit it did not cause any problems with the front end.  It did really help the feel of the back end.
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