Author Topic: Supertrapp...Super-Crap?  (Read 5203 times)

Offline TheBigB

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« on: September 04, 2006, 04:43:56 PM »
Buy this Supertrapp he said. For $160 you can't go wrong he said. It will fit your 03 Bandit he said.

Well, not quite. The bolts line up but I can't get it to hang off the footpeg. It sits too low.

Also, how the hell do those diffusion discs work. It looks like by adding the discs and then the cap you end up sealing the muffler on one end. Where/how does the exhaust escape the back end.

The Big B

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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 05:41:36 PM »
Its not one of those as big and ugly as the OEM can is it? Jeez if so i agree! The more ring disc's you add the less back pressure. The prob with em for the Bandit is its lean as hell anyway! (stock) Get a oval titanium bolt on can (Yoshi) RS3 and B done with it! If they still make the Kirker which they took over, isn't bad for the $$. Also the black soot dribble all over the end of it sucks too! I know you wanted to hear that! Where did you get it from and on the 03 with the turned in @ the top midpipe? You can loosen the joint @ the collector and turn it a bit to mount up!!! :duh:  :beers:

Offline TheBigB

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« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 08:52:41 PM »
Well, its on and it sounds pretty cool. I jerry-rigged a bracket for the time being. (Next weekend I will try turning it at the collecter joint, like you suggest, and see if that won't get it to mout up on the foot peg.) I put on all the rings that it came with, seven I think, and its not obnoxiously loud at all.

I haven't done any carb adjustments yet so I am sure I am not reaping the full benefit of this little beauty. Speaking of which, its not big and ugly at all. Actually, it looks rather sharp if i do say so myself. Its a tad bit shorter and not quite as fat and is   burshed metal instead of shiny crome, which i am diggin'. After i adjust the carbs I'll let  you know how it performs.

I got it off ebay by the way.

The Big B

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« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 10:44:54 PM »
="TheBigB"]Well, its on and it sounds pretty cool. I jerry-rigged a bracket for the time being. (Next weekend I will try turning it at the collecter joint, like you suggest, and see if that won't get it to mout up on the foot peg.) I put on all the rings that it came with, seven I think, and its not obnoxiously loud at all.I haven't done any carb adjustments yet so I am sure I am not reaping the full benefit of this little beauty. Speaking of which, its not big and ugly at all. Actually, it looks rather sharp if i do say so myself. Its a tad bit shorter and not quite as fat and is   burshed metal instead of shiny crome, which i am diggin'. After i adjust the carbs I'll let  you know how it performs. I got it off ebay by the way.
Hey well what was the item # i want to see it! Or steal the pic and post it?  As long as you like it that's all that counts!!
 :beers:  :beers:  :bigok:

Offline RDUBandit

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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 08:49:49 AM »
Post a pic dammit!!  :grin:
2004 Bandit 1200S (>92k miles; lotsa mods; SOLD)
2002 Bandit 1200 (>13k miles; more mods)
1997 Bandit 1200 (>3k miles; most mods)
2005 Ducati Monster S4R (>48k miles; ditto)
2003 Triumph Speed Triple (SOLD)
2013 Yamaha FJR1300 (5k miles)
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Offline TheBigB

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« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2006, 03:22:18 PM »
Would love to post a pic...

And I would if I had a digital camera, or a cell phone with a camera in it, or a cell phone, let alone high speed internet or even cable television.

Gotta get back to churning the butter.

The Big B

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« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2006, 12:04:59 AM »
="TheBigB"]Would love to post a pic... And I would if I had a digital camera, or a cell phone with a camera in it, or a cell phone, let alone high speed internet or even cable television. Gotta get back to churning the butter. The Big B
If you got it less than 90 days ago it can still b found on ebay! Just give us the # and your off the hook!!   :beers:  :bigok:

Offline TheBigB

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« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2006, 02:05:54 AM »
I thought you meant a picture of it on the bike...

Here is the item number; #150018194455

The final analysis is that its an o.k. pipe. I really like the sound but as mentioned previously it doesn't fit the bike without the addition of a home-modified bracket. I tried turning the midpipe at the collector but can't because its bolted to the frame at the center stand.

Also, there is an odd weld to the end that bolts to the mid pipe. Hard to 'splain but for lack of a better description it looks like its been melted around the edge of the canister. Not a smooth weld.

All in all, though, for $160.oo it was worth it.

The Big B

If I ever get the aforementioned digital camera I will gladly post a pic of it on the bike.

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« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2006, 10:06:05 AM »
Hey! The midpipe won't loosen? Well must B a new one on me!! Anyway who will notice after you blow by em! The rear view looks the same. Just to let ya know the vivitar cheapy dig's say @ Wally world ($18.00) work great! I used one 4 a while ebayin. These pics @ the first race at Barber was taken with one!!!! Who's # is that one the zuki???
Will be lookin 4 a pic.
 :bigok:  :beers:  :thanks: