I don't think it is a hoax. Check out their web site. Cycle World featured it as a new product in June 06 and their web site is too elaborate for a spoof. These guys really expect to sell the things to "hardcore" chopper guys. Now we can expect the new "Ordanance Chopper" from the engineering genius at Orange County Choppers to be equipped with a Tailgunner Rotary Cannon, Pineaple hand grenade handlebar grips, and a bayonet sissy bar.
No wonder Sonny Barger has been quoted as saying in disgust that it might be time for the HA to start riding Gold Wings. Makes sense to me. Seems that the people riding the new choppers (kit bikes) these days, the accountants, lawyers, and CEOs, make the old time scooter tramps seem pretty harmless by comparison. Yeah, I have been around for a while. Love my Bandit because it doesn't carry a load of "sociological baggage" and I'll admit to a certain lack of tolerance for the "new breed"of "hard core (on weekends)" biker. Now, if I could just remember where I left my shorty skull helmet with the pony tail.. It's time to go out for a putt with my bros...and a quick stop at Wal Mart for a new set of wash-off tattoos... "live to ride/ride to live", etc. I can just put it on my gold visa card like all the other "like-minded nonconformists" at the biker bar.