Author Topic: Ticking where it shouldn't be...  (Read 3115 times)

Offline Doch80

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Ticking where it shouldn't be...
« on: March 22, 2006, 03:53:59 AM »
As some of ya’ll might know, I’ve recently painted my headers and mid-pipe.  I did it almost two weeks ago by now just now got around to starting it after awhile.  I know… I went out of town for about a week.  Before I took the headers off it ran just fine except for the noise you get from the over-active valves but from what I’ve read that’s basically normal.  

After the bike sits for awhile (7-15 days), especially after it’s been somewhat cold, it’s terribly difficult to start.  It starts for awhile then dies.  I play that game for awhile until it finally idles like a dead cow that’s running on one cylinder then eventually smoothes out to run like a champ.  I’m guessing the reasons for that are one, it’s carbureted, and two it’s cold.

Now for my question… what in the heck is that ticking sound coming from my engine? After eventually starting it up this last time (the first time since I put my headers back on) I’m hearing this loud ticking sound coming from the engine.  I have a D&D exhaust and the ticking sound can still be heard with that thing blaring.  It’s in relationship to revs so it gets louder and quicker as the revs increase.  

As of right now I can’t tell if it’s from the fact that I have a leak at the header mounts or if it’s a more serious problem.  The paint on the headers is still “curing” (read: smoking out the butt :crackattack: ) and I can’t smell exhaust fumes yet.  Can you even get a ticking sound if the headers aren’t “sealed up” right?  Are they some sort of insulation?  Actually, I know they are (318 without headers or manifold is a pretty bad-a%& sound).  Should I have changed the seals when I re-installed the headers?... or whatever you would call those things.

Reason dictates that the problem is with the headers not being fitted correctly to the engine since the problem wasn’t there prior to paint and started the second it was fired up after the paint.  I know it’s probably hard to come up with an answer without hearing it or seeing it, but if ya’ll have any ideas as to what it might be, then I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.  Or if you need more info, just let me know.



2001 Bandit 1200”s”
2001 Bandit 1200s

Offline Red01

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Ticking where it shouldn't be...
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 10:25:52 AM »
Yup, sounds like an exhaust leak. Could be from any one of the four headpipes, or from the collector/mid-pipe joint (prolly the most common point to leak). Run your hand close to these points and see if you can feel anything leaking out.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline Doch80

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Ticking where it shouldn't be...
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2006, 05:00:51 PM »
Thanks for the advice.  I'll check it tomorrow when I get the chance.
2001 Bandit 1200s

Offline fritobandito

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2006, 01:31:21 PM »
I took mine off to clean them and when I put them back on, I didn't put on new gaskets at the header. I got the ticking too. So, I bought some new gaskets and reinstalled with them. No more ticking and better running. My guess is you need new gaskets if you haven't done that already.
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Offline Doch80

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Ticking where it shouldn't be...
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 12:10:06 AM »
Well, my new gaskets came in today and as luck would have it, Murphy and all his power visited me today.  I decided to install the new gaskets tonight and all was going well since I've become such a pro at it.  I got it all back together and was putting in the last bolt on the headers when low and behold, it falls off my allen wrench and wedges itself inbetween all the pipes where they come together.  I tried to get it out but ended up just wedging it further inside...

I had to take it all apart agian just to get that little screw out.  I took the whole system off and had to beat it vertical just to get it out.  Luckily everything went together smooth the second time around and the ticking is now gone... at least the exhaust ticking.

Now it's time to take care of the valves... but that's another story...

Thanks for all ya'lls help!

2001 Bandit 1200s