Author Topic: Whaddya think?  (Read 2463 times)

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Whaddya think?
« on: July 07, 2008, 09:36:27 PM »
Ok people. I have a 99 B12, rear shock is from a '93 GSXR 750. Mostly happy with it(40$ on ebay). Way more adjustabilty than stock. Had the unit checked by fairly local guys, change the oil and re-charge the cylinder(120$). I am thinking of putting racetech spring rated at 8.5 kg/mm after looking up stock rate of 6kg/mm. I am thinking this is a worthwhile mod. The shock now is wound down pretty tight for my liking( about halfway).
Busa shock is rated at 13 kg/mm !!!!!!!!! WOW that is stiff.........lemme know.......