Author Topic: Year end summary on 2Bros. can and Ivan's stage 1 kit.  (Read 2262 times)

Offline Rocketjock

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Year end summary on 2Bros. can and Ivan's stage 1 kit.
« on: November 13, 2007, 10:33:58 AM »
Thought I'd summarize on my 6 months of tuning. OK. When I started out in the spring I had installed the new can and carb kit. I had set the needle position in the center, set the screws at 3.5 and laid out and drilled the 20 holes in the air box as per Ivan's instructions. And by the way, he says to clean up the burring around the holes with sandpaper or a file. Save yourself the mess and just use a propane torch. A quick blast over the holes and all burring is melted smooth.
My first ride gave me that incredable boost of power at midrange as advertised but low end cruising misfired and ran crappily. I turned out the screws to 4 turns to have it run better but still not smooth on the low end. A suggestion was to up the pilots and I changed them out from stock 15s to 20s. Now I was getting closer, but not there yet. Putting the supplied shims in brought further improvement but I still had a bit of misfire up to 3 grand. I then took out the shims and reset the needles at the second position from the bottom. This is where I got my smoothest running in all ranges including idling thru town at the 2 to 3 grand range. Now the bike was running as smooth as stock with the small exception of some small decel pop. But with the 2Bros being basically a straight thru inch and a half hole, that has to be expected.
I left this setup in for the duration including a couple of long trips. The sacrifice here seemed to be that the screamin power that comes on at 5 grand was diminished and the bike may be now running just a bit rich. Oh ya, if you are worried about fuel milage, don't do this. mine went from 350kms per tank to 250kms per tank.
Now in the fall I started to dick around again and set the needle back to the center pos. with shims. I, of course have regained some of that midrange rocket assist but have lost a bit of the smoothness. I may start out next spring with the center position only and rough low end to see if I've grown used to it.
Two more things I have not tried is 1: up the pilots again to say, 25s and 2: turn out the screws past 4 turns.
06 B12
Lovin my Bandit
07 KLR.
Too much fun!