Author Topic: Bar Risers  (Read 13979 times)

Offline dabimf9

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Bar Risers
« on: August 17, 2012, 08:05:20 PM »
I am looking for bar risers for the 1250.  Doing a search and I found that some one had used Tusk risers on their bike even though they are made for dirt bikes.
I am looking for risers that has shims, as do the Tusk, so that I can get some bar rise without replacing the upper brake line. 
Any help on this please.  Thanks

Offline Pickaxe

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Re: Bar Risers
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 07:12:29 AM »
A cost effectie way is to use washers under the standard risers and replace the bolts to suit. If you want to keep the standard brake hose on the 1250 ABS you can't go much more than 25mm. There's plenty of risers on the market, some fit on top of the standard riser and some replace it completely.